chapter 16

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~third person POV~

The redhead had just finished packing and was on her way to the gates, Naruto was closely behind her. It was the first time Naruto was going to be out of the village and she was extremely worried about him.

'What if something happens? What if..-' she quickly shook her head to erase the negative thoughts. 'Everything is going to be fine.' She reassured herself. 'It's only a C-rank mission.'

"Aimi-chan!" A sudden voice brought her back to reality, she turned around and saw three people coming towards her and Naruto.

One of the three was Haruki. The other one was a female, she looked no older then 15. She had long blonde hair tied into a high ponytail and blue eyes. She was wearing a turquoise blue kimono with blue sandals and turquoise blue fingerless gloves, her forehead protector was being used as a headband. The last one was a boy who looked to be the same age as the girl maybe a year older, he had raven hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a black T-shirt, black fingerless gloves and ANBU style black pants with black sandals.

Aimi smiled when the three caught up with her and the blonde.

"Hi Haruki-kun, Hikari-chan, Akira-kun." She greeted them.

"I heard you got a mission." Akira said and Aimi nodded.

"Yeah." She looked at Naruto. "Go ahead, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Naruto nodded and quickly ran to the gates.

"Be careful, captain." Hikari said once Naruto was gone and Aimi raised an eyebrow.

"Since when have I not been?" They all gave her a look. "Okay, okay, geez." She put her hands up in away of surrender.

"Just be careful." Haruki said, clearly worried about the redhead.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. After all, I'm not a little kid anymore." She smiled. "Well, I got to go. See you guys!" She said and took off running, they all looked at each other.

"She was made ANBU captain for a reason, you know." Akira said once she left and Hikari nodded in agreement.

"I know." Haruki said, staring at the direction the redhead ran of to. "I just worry about her."

"She'll be fine." Hikari reassured.

"Let's get going." Akira said. "We still have our own mission to accomplish in a few hours."

The other two nodded and they all disappeared.

Aimi UzumakiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora