48. When Hurricanes Collide

Start from the beginning

I felt time slow down before me as I tried to process what just happened, my body slamming hard against the wall as my head ached in pain.


Xavier's loud screams filled the apartment as he kept punching Azazel, making me worried for his actual life.

"Why the fuck would you hurt her!" Azazel's voice yelled, kneeing Xavier in the stomach as he tried to gasp for air.

Azazel locked his fists against Xavier's cheeks as he pushed him away.

My strength to get up was gone as I felt a huge headache come by my head. I checked my nose for blood, thank god there were none but I was still without any doubt in shock and pain.

I watched Azazel knock back Xavier as he quickly got up of the wall he was pinned too. "There's something mentally wrong with you!" Azazel surprisingly only bled from the side of his forehead as he coughed for air.

Xavier's deep breaths were heightened as he turned around towards me, probably so blacked out in rage he didn't notice his elbow strike against my face, hard.

I felt my consciousness come back as I ran my fingers through my painfully throbbing head, the small cuts on my feet widening.

"Ariell-" I quickly interrupted Xavier, making his face subtly furrow.

"Get out." I cried as the stress around my head continued.

The emotional pain I went through last week with Xavier is no way in comparison with the physical pain I'm feeling right now.

"But Arie-" I yelled again, interrupting his all of a sudden calm voice.

"Xavier just get out!" I felt tears fall down my clothes as the blood from my feet spread across the room, still in shock as to how much his elbow hit me.

Totally would rather have period cramps than this fuckery.

"You rather be with him than me?" Xavier talked a lot softer now but still sounded stupid as he kneeled before me, Azazel's shirtless body starting to bruise as he struggled to walk.

I leaned my head against the wall for balance, my eyes sharply meeting his. "He's just my roommate." I sniffed as tears continued to fall my eyes. "And you're just nothing but a sensitive asshole.." I watched Xavier's face fall before me, his eyes reddening from what I said.

Xavier quickly got up, his eyes throwing me a cold glare as he too cried from what I said.

"I'm done." I croaked, looking up at him as his fists calmed down while he breathed deeply. "I never wanna see you again! Just get out!" I sobbed, closing my eyes as I felt dizzy.

After moments of Xavier slowly backing up and walking towards the front door, he was finally gone.

A long pause broke out around the apartment, my eyes couldn't even look at Azazel as he struggled to walk towards the room from the hallway.

I watched him come back towards me with a shirt on, the wound on his forehead was dried up.

The both of us just kinda looked at each other in pain as he walked towards me.

Azazel bent down before me as I felt his strong arms wrap around my body, making me let out a sharp exhale as the glasses kept sinking into my feet.

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