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"I'm so sorry I can't be there. I really am. I tried to get the photo shoot moved but they've had this planned for months and Phil-"

"Baby, it's okay. How were you supposed to know that we would be dating when you scheduled that photoshoot? Trust me, I understand," Odell said as he finished getting dressed. Even though he had a game in the morning, his team and some of his friends were still taking him out to celebrate his birthday. Demi had originally planned to fly out and spend the weekend with him until Phil reminded her of a cover shoot that she had committed to months ago.

"I know but still. I want to be there with you. It's your birthday," Demi said, unable to pout because Jill was working on her makeup.

"You can make it up to me," Odell said as Demi sighed.

"Fine. Have fun tonight and those little hoes better stay away from you," Demi reminded him as Odell chucked.

"Yeah, okay. Love you," Odell said before hanging up. It was out of habit though. He wasn't trying to be rude. Demi texted him "love you too asshole" so he set his phone down to finish getting ready.

After a wild night of partying and alcohol, Odell was not in the mood to play football. He wasn't in the mood to do anything. All he wanted to do was spend the day with his girlfriend but she was across the country handling her business. Even though he said her not being there for his birthday didn't bother him, it actually did. Yeah she had a photoshoot planned months before they got serious but it still would've been nice to spend his birthday with the first serious girlfriends he had in a while. If Demi had been there, he probably wouldn't have even gone out partying last night and he wouldn't feel like shit right now.

Despite how he felt, he was playing well and everyone knew it. There was just something about turning a year older that made him feel like he was on top of the world. During a quick break, he made it to the sidelines to sign some jerseys for fans. He wasn't paying attention to who was holding the jerseys, he was just trying to sign as many as possible before he had to go back on the field.

"Who am I making this out to?" He asked as he took the pen from the woman's hand.

"Your girlfriend," a familiar voice answered. He took his helmet off and saw Demi standing there with a wide smile wearing a t shirt with his face on it.

"Happy birthday baby," Demi said as Odell dropped the pen and picked her up, twirling her around as he kissed her on the lips.

"I thought you were-"

"I took a red eye out here. I figured I'd come see your game then we could do something to celebrate...just the two of us?" Demi suggested with a sly smirk on her face as Odell set her down.

"You know I'd love that," he said as he kissed her again.

"Me too. And I really am sorry for not being able to spend your birthday with you. But I'm ready to make it up to you...all night long."

"You know I'd really love that," he chuckled as she kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too baby. Now go out there and kick some ass." Odell picked up his jersey and was about to return to the field but he turned back and grabbed the pen that he had dropped, quickly signing the jersey in her hand. He pecked her cheek then ran off. When she looked down at the jersey, scrawled inside of the numbers was "love you forever. Your king, OBJ3."

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