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"How is this not fixed? You do realize I'm going on stage in literally two hours right? And none of you guys know what the hell you're doing!" Demi exclaimed, fixing her sunglasses over her eyes as she looked at her crew. They were in Turkey for a music festival trying to finish soundcheck but it seemed like no one knew what they were doing, despite the fact that they had just finished off a 42 show tour. This is what they went to college for. They should be pros at it but they were still fucking up and she wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

"Demi, why don't we take a break?" Natalie suggested as she walked onto the stage but Demi rolled her eyes and turned away from her.

"How can I take a break when no one knows how to do their damn jobs? I'm paying you guys to make sure this runs smoothly and you're all-"

"DEMI. Everyone take a ten minute break," Natalie demanded as Demi scoffed. Everyone slowly filtered off of the stage, wanting to get out of her presence but also not wanting to piss her off. Natalie walked closer to Demi and basically dragged her off of the stage.

"Listen, I know you're dealing with a lot right now but-"

"Fuck you Natalie you have no idea what I'm going through," Demi hissed.

"Because you won't tell anyone! You don't get to act like a bitch just because you don't wanna open your mouth and tell people when there's something wrong with you. We're all here to help you but you won't let us. So either fix your attitude or we can pull the plug on this whole thing and you can spend the next few months in a cozy treatment center," Natalie threatened before storming away. Demi's face flushed a hot pink color as she leaned against the brick wall in the corridor and tried to swallow down her tears. A lot had been going on, almost too much for her to talk about. And she wanted to tell everyone what was wrong, she really did, but every time she opened her mouth to talk about it she felt like she was going to vomit.

Odell: just saw the mess on Twitter. You good?
Demi: yeah
Odell: you sure? I can talk now
Demi: I don't wanna talk.

Because she knew the type of person that Odell was, she shut her phone off so that he couldn't FaceTime her. Despite the fact that she had been experimenting with several guys since her and Wilmer broke up, Odell was her constant. They didn't get to always hang out and be around each other but they talked every single day. And it wasn't like they had deep intellectual conversations. They just talked about anything and everything and that was something that she couldn't do with the other guys she was talking to. They sent snap chats of themselves singing to their favorite songs and goofy selfies and pictures of things that reminded them of each other. It was just nice to have someone to talk to who didn't just want to have sex with her and show her off to the world. Odell was just as private as she was.

"Hey, the break's over. You good?" Cherry, one of her backup singers questioned as she passed her a bottle of water. Demi nodded and followed her to the stage, knowing that she just had to get through this performance before she could finally go back to her hotel in peace and deal with her issues on her own.

Needless to say, everyone was tired of Demi's shit, especially Natalie. Getting her to open up to them was impossible and she didn't understand why. Her first thought had been to call Wilmer. Of course she knew that he was no longer with Demi but he was the one person that could always see through and talk her through her shit. But Demi probably would've killed her and closed herself off even more so instead she called someone else, someone she knew could cheer Demi up even if he couldn't get her to necessarily open up.

"Where are we going for dinner?" Demi asked after she had changed out of her costume and was back into her normal, comfortable clothes. Natalie was packing her bag for her and chewed down on her bottom lip.

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