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"I don't know what takes her so damn long to get ready," Odell huffed as he sat down on one of the couches in the VIP section next to one of his closest friends, Trey. He had just gotten off of the phone with Demi and she promised to be there in the next thirty minutes then cussed him out for rushing her. He had told her this morning what time everyone was gonna be at the club but punctuality really wasn't her thing, something that he was quickly learning. She was the definition of "fashionably late."

"Who?" Trey asked, not even bothering to look up from his phone.

"Nigga, who have I been talking to these last few months?" Odell questioned as Trey scoffed and locked his phone.

"Demi? She's always been like that," he said with a shrug as Odell narrowed his eyes. As far as he was concerned, Demi and Trey didn't know each other like that, or at least he didn't think that they did. When he introduced them, they seemed like they had never met before but then how would Trey know that she had "always been like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's always taken a long time to get ready," Trey said as if he was just spilling common knowledge.

"And how would you know that?" Odell huffed as Trey realized exactly what he had said. He thought that Demi would've told Odell that they had hooked up before by now but she probably didn't think that it was important for him to know. But Trey knew the type of guy that Odell was and it was something that he certainly did need to know. Trey didn't want any drama with Odell and he certainly didn't want their relationship messed up over some little fling that happened six years ago.

"We hooked up a few times before she went to rehab. Nothing serious, just having some fun," he said as he scratched his neck. No one really knew what had really happened between him and Demi pre rehab but it really hadnt been anything serious. They were both young and looking for a good time. They were supposed to be working on a song together but it had quickly turned into something else.

Odell clinched his jaw but he didn't say anything. He had been talking to Demi for a few months and Trey knew that but he couldn't tell them that they had hooked up? And Demi couldn't open her mouth and say that she had fucked one of his best friends? It was before they were even together but it still happened and Odell didn't like that. Especially since the two of them had kept it a secret.

He was so mad he didn't even notice when Demi had strutted into the VIP section with her friends behind her. She took a seat on Odell's lap and tried to kiss him but he turned his head and gently pushed her off of him.

"Seriously? You're pissed because I'm late?" She sneered but Odell rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you kiss Trey?" He huffed before leaving the area and going downstairs to get a drink. Demi cut her eyes over to Trey and glared at him.

"You told him?"

"It was an accident! And he was bound to find out about it either way. Go talk to him. You know how stubborn he is...almost as stubborn as you," Trey took a sip of his drink as Demi stood up and tugged her mini dress down. His eyes surveyed her body but he willed himself to look away because that was his friend's girl now and he wasn't about to get into any mess.

Demi sauntered down to the bar, wrinkling her nose as the scent of alcohol, cheap perfume, and sweat filled her nostrils. She already wasn't the biggest fan of clubbing and this is why she mainly stayed in the VIP section. And why had Odell stormed all the way down to this bar when there was one downstairs? Whatever. She had put way too much effort into this look for it to go to waste because Odell was being a baby about something that happened six years ago.

"Tired of Trey already?" Odell asked, downing the shot that he had ordered as Demi rolled her eyes.

"You're petty as fuck, you know that? Can we talk somewhere in private?" Demi questioned as Odell bitterly chuckled.

"Nah, I'm too petty, remember?"

"Odell, we're going to talk somewhere in private or these legs will be sealed closed for the next month, got it?" She cocked her eyebrow and rose from the bar stool before walking towards the back hallway where the bathrooms were. And as expected, Odell followed her. At the end of the hallway was the employee exit so Demi decided to just open the door and talk outside. There was less of a chance of someone hearing them and leaking the story to TMZ.

"What?" He asked, refusing to even look at her. Demi folded her arms over her chest for some warmth but also because she was frustrated with him.

"I should've told you about Trey, knowing that he was one of your best friends. But I didn't even think about it because it happened six years ago and should have no effect on our relationship," Demi admitted as Odell sighed and dropped his defensive shoulders.

"I don't like that shit and you know it. I told you about all of my past relationships and gave you a list of every girl I've ever slept with because you wanted me to but you couldn't tell me about the fact that you fucked my best friend?" She winced at his harsh language and lowered her head.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do to change it so I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it has nothing to do with you and me. It shouldn't change anything about our relationship," Demi said, stepping closer to him as he nodded his head. Honestly, he wasn't even mad. He was just annoyed that two of the people that meant the most to him couldn't tell him about what happened between them. Even if it did happen six years ago, he felt like a fool.

"I'm sorry too. I blew it out of proportion," he apologized as Demi rolled her eyes.

"Ya think? Jealous ass always taking things too far. It's you and only you and it's gonna stay that way," Demi said, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his jawline.

"I can't get a real kiss?"

"Hmm, no. Not after you rejected me in front of everyone," Demi snakily replied with a light giggle.

"Don't worry by the end of the night you'll be begging for my kisses," he snickered, capturing her lips in a swift kiss before she broke apart from him and headed back inside with him right on her heel.

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