Doing It Wrong 1

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College was supposed to be the most exciting time of your life. It was supposed to be a time where you discovered who you are and worked to make a difference in the world. It was supposed to be a time of freedom and opportunity, but nestled in her dorm room on the 6th floor of College Hall North, she didn't feel excited. She didn't feel like she was discovering who she was. She didn't feel free. Demi Lovato felt tired and drained, and even though she hated her home, she wanted nothing more than to be on that plantation-turned-millionaire-dream-house right now because at least it was familiar. Everything around her was too new.

She heard her door unlocking which meant that her roommate was back from whatever she was doing. They were both cheerleaders there on scholarships so they spent a lot of time together. They moved in a week early because they had practices all week long in preparation for the big welcome back to school pep rally that happened every year. Even though they had only known each other for a week, Demi knew that she was the complete opposite of her roommate. Ariel was loud and snobby while Demi was quiet and calm. It wasn't that Ariel was a bad person, but she wasn't necessarily someone that Demi would purposely choose to hang out with. They just spent a lot of time together because they were roommates and cheerleaders.

"What are you getting dressed for? Another party?" Demi asked as she picked up the book that she had been previously reading. Her dad had given it to her before she left and asked her to read it. She wasn't one for following her parents' orders but it looked interesting so she found herself reading it anyways.

"No, there's a football scrimmage tonight. You should totally come. Besides practice and orientation, have you even left this room?" Ariel asked as she exchanged her diamond studs for a gaudy pair of hoops. Demi had no idea how they ended up being roommates because they were complete opposites. Ariel was at a party every night while Demi liked to stay in her dorm and mind her own business. It wasn't that she was too good to party, it was just she didn't like being in an environment where everyone seemed so out of control.

"Yeah, I left to get some food earlier," Demi smartly replied.

"Whatever. You should totally come to this scrimmage. The entire team is going and you'd be the only one not a loser," Ariel said as she pulled her yellow and purple LSU sports bra over her head. Demi chewed down on her bottom lip to refrain from letting a snarky remark leave her mouth. Her and Ariel were stuck together for two whole semesters, they couldn't be at each other's throat all of the time.

"Fine, I'll go," Demi said, setting her book down and hopping off of her bed. She grabbed her LSU sports bra and black spandex to wear, since that's what Ariel was wearing, and quickly changed. She felt too naked though so she slipped a lightweight hoodie on and combed through her hair.

"Look whose gonna leave the dorm for once. It's a miracle," Ariel giggled as they left the room. They took the elevator all the way down to the lobby and showed the security at the front desk their IDs before leaving. In ten minutes they were at the football field and it was clear the game had already started. All of the cheerleaders were sitting on the first row of bleachers so Ariel and Demi joined them.

"Look at number 13!" Ariel pointed out, nudging Demi to look up from her phone. Number 13 had taken his helmet off to drink some water and Demi finally looked at him while he did so. Demi certainly wasn't a prude but she didn't come to college for one night stands and boyfriends. But number 13 was definitely majorly attractive, especially because of the way that all of the girls were practically swooning over him.

"That's Odell Beckham Junior. He's here on a football scholarship. He was one of the first players that they scouted out...and he's a total hottie," Tinsley, Demi was sure that was her name, said with a wide smile on her face. Demi raised her eyebrow but didn't say anything. She wasn't here for boys, especially not athletes. Athletes were a completely different spieces of men and she didn't have time for their egos or their games.

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