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"Ariana, if I have to tell you to stay still one more time I'm gonna get your father," Demi warned her seven going on seventeen years old daughter.

"You're pulling it too tight. I told you I'm tender headed," Ari whined, moving away from her mother's harsh hands as Demi rolled her eyes.

"You didn't even know what tender headed meant until I told your auntie Dallas that you were tender headed. And I have to pull it tight because if it comes out while you're on the bars again, you'll have a fit," Demi retorted causing Ariana to roll her eyes just like her mother did.

Since her father was a legendary football player and her mother was a triple threat pop star and philanthropist, it was only natural that Ariana had spent the past seven years of her life trying out every activity and sport that her parents could think of. It started with every style of dance out there until Ariana threw a fit about the leotards and the tight buns. Then they tried out pageants - Demi's idea - but after Ariana pulled the duck face and twerked for her talent during her dance routine, Odell pulled the plug on the entire thing. Then it was soccer, t-ball, basketball, cheerleading, swimming (Ariana instantly quit after her hair got wet), and they finally landed on gymnastics. Something about flipping all over the place excited their daughter and even though Demi wished she had chose something less dangerous, there was no way that she wasn't gonna support her child.

"It hurts," Ari whined again but Demi ignored her as she finished the style off with some hairspray. Ariana got her hair from her father's side of the family so Demi had to learn how to do it because she couldn't always rely on Odell's mother. After seven years, she had learned what products she could and couldn't use and they had gotten a pretty good routine down.

"Go make sure all of your stuff is in your bag then I'll meet you downstairs." Demi kissed her forehead before Ariana ran off to her room and Demi cleaned up before going to fell Odell.

"Baby, you ready to go?" Demi questioned as she entered his man cave. Of course him and Batman were sitting there watching ESPN without a care in the world, as if they didn't have to leave soon if they wanted to be on time.

"Is she ready? She takes more time to get ready than you do," Odell huffed, rubbing Batman's soft fur. He wouldn't trade Ariana in for the world but between her and Demi, he was drowning in estrogen and he was pockets were getting lighter and lighter. He couldn't wait until they could start trying for a baby again so that they could have a boy.

"Yeah, we're all ready to go. And shut up. It takes time to get beautiful," Demi said, lightly punching his shoulder.

"You don't need to get beautiful because you already are baby. But whatever you say," Odell replied as he shut off the tv and followed her out of the room. Ariana was sitting at the counter playing with iPod and as soon as she saw her parents she hopped off of the stool and shouldered her gym bag.

"You ready to go out there and kick major a-"


"Butt today?" Odell finished off, sending a guilty glance at Demi before focusing back on his daughter.

"Yup! First place or nothing!" She high fived her dad before they all walked out to the car and piled in. Twenty minutes later they were at the gym and Ariana left her parents in the dust to go find her friends and get ready.

"You know it's okay if she doesn't win, right?" Demi said as they entered the gym and sat down. It was already filling up since the competition started in about thirty minutes.

"Yes, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to win first place. If she does her best then she should," Odell replied as Demi rolled her eyes. When it came to sports, they didn't see eye to eye at all. Demi was satisfied if Ariana wasn't the winner because she was only seven years old and she was just doing this for fun. Odell didn't want his daughter to settle for second place in anything so of course he always told her to aim for first place or nothing, which resulted in a break down when she didn't win first place, a breakdown that Demi had to console her through while Odell watched ESPN.

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