Doing It Wrong 2

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"DEMI! Are you going to the party tonight? You know everyone's gonna be there!" Tinsley exclaimed as she bounced up to her after one of their afternoon classes. Demi hugged her books closer to her chest and shook her head.

"Tins, you know I'm not much of a partier," Demi responded as Tinsley playfully rolled her eyes.

"You haven't been to a single party all year. Plus, Odell's gonna be there," Tinsley teased as Demi giggled.

"And why would I care about that?"

"Because that boy is totally in love with you. You've got him wrapped around that little pinky of yours," Tinsley said as Demi shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But I'll think about the party, Tins. No guarantees though. I'm swamped with homework and we still have practice," Demi reminded her as Tinsley nodded before walking off. Demi took the short trek to her dorm as she thought about what Tinsley had said.

Of course she knew that Odell had feelings for her. Everyone knew that Odell had feelings for her. And it wasn't like she was leading him on or anything, she just couldn't see herself in a relationship...even if she was starting to like him a little bit. But she didn't want any drama. Ariel was practically in love with him and had been trying her hardest to get with him. Demi definitely didn't need drama with her roommate. But was it really fair to her and Odell if they were both feeling each other but Demi wasn't willing to try anything out?

But wasn't that was what college was about? Taking risks and taking chances? Even if she didn't come here for a relationship, she could see herself in a relationship with Odell. She really was starting to like him. He understood her and he cared for her and he was always there for her no matter what. That wasn't easy to find in a guy nowadays.

Since she was at a crossing light, she pulled her phone out and quickly sent a text to Odell asking him to meet up with her later. He was probably in practice so they could hang out afterwards. Maybe they could even go to the party together. It could be their first official date.

Demi shook her head at her ridiculous thoughts as she entered her dorm and headed towards the elevators. Odell hadn't even said yes to her proposition and she was already thinking about their first date. He seemed like a romantic so their first date would probably be really sweet, just like he was.

She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as she pulled her key out and unlocked her door. She swung it open and set her books down on her bathroom counter, throwing her key down next to it. She kicked her shoes off and entered the main part of her dorm where the beds were, and she nearly threw up in surprise.

Because in the twin xl bed across from hers she saw a half naked Odell on top of Ariel, and that was definitely something that she wasn't expecting to see.

"Demi, oh my god!" Ariel must've finally opened her eyes and saw her standing there...frozen. Demi opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She looked from Odell to Ariel and she didn't have anything to say. Why was she so hurt when her and Odell were just friends?

Because you were just planning out your first date, she thought. She combed her fingers through her hair before turning and leaving the room, not even bothering to grab her key. She just needed some air. She needed to breathe. And she couldn't do that in the same room where she had just witnessed her best friend and her roommate having sex.

"Demi, wait!" She heard Odell call after her but she ducked into one of the study lounges and leaned her back against the door.

"Please talk to me," he begged but Demi shook her head despite the fact that he couldn't see her.

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