Chp79: We can't be back together

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Do din ki chandi khatam lets get back to reality😂
Next morning...
sanyukta opened her heavy eye lids with great difficulty her head was paining badly!!
the first thing she noticed was that randhir was staring at her with a cute smile..
"Gudmrng babu" he wished
"Morning humpty" she chipped in her sleepy voice

but then widened her orbs in shock
what is he doing here?
she woke up with a jolt
forgetting the fact that she is not wearing any clothes & is in her inners only!!!
what are you doing in my house?
& why are you smiling like an idiot??
how you came inside??" she asked him

He looked at her then quickly looked away
he didn't wanted to face the same situation again
only he know how he controlled yesterday!!!
"Sanyukta woh... woh" he stammered
"What?? woh woh?? speak up
m asking you something!!!
answer me" she got frustrated
"I'll tell you everything but first
you...." he stammered again
"What's wrong with you??
are you mad?
m here look at me & talk vaha kaha dekh k baat kar rahe ho??" she frowned

someone plzz tell this crazy lady to look at herself!!!
he thought

say something" she chipped in irritation he was getting on her nerves now!!

"Look at yourself" he chipped in one go
what happened to me??" she got confused then looked at herself
& widened her orbs in shock!!!
her cheeks turned red
she quickly covered herself with the quilt
"what the hell....!!!
why am I like this??" she gasped in shock
"Yesterday night..." he started but she interrupted
"you did kuchi-koo with me???
how dare you do that??" she got angry & started throwing pillows at him

what kuchi-koo??
I didn't do anything!!!!" he frowned
"ohh yeah then where my clothes went??
bhoot aaya nikalne" she frowned
"You only told me to remove them you were feeling hot"
I told you??" she made a thoughtful ex express2ions press I on
"You don't remember anything??" he asked
she shook her head in a no

"I only remember that I left from the party crying
I came home & booked my tickets for pune
then I left for marines!!
oh f*ck I forgot I have my train at 10 shit" she panicked

back to pune??
but why??" he got shocked
"What will I do here??
soumya was right about nikhil
yesterday night was like a eye opener for me
I trusted nikhil like a fool
but wait you didn't answer me
what are you doing here??"
"You don't need to go anywhere!!!
that was all our plan
nikhil juz helped me to expose soumya" he explained her everything in detail
you were acting from beginning??
all that drama at your place
then you leaving this place
then all that separation period
you being with soumya everything??" she got shocked

"Yes I did all that with a purpose" he smirked
"& now what do you expect from me??" she mocked him

what are you talking??
you should be happy finally soumya is out of our life" he shrugged
"oh yeah m happy
but what about all those days
when I cried coz of you??
what about all that insult your mom did??
what about all those encounters when you & soumya made fun of me??
that mall incident??
what about those days when I needed you the most
but you were not der with me??
you know how I survived 9months without you??
you think it was easy for me??
did you even realize how your talks hurt me??
9months back you know how I felt when you asked me to chooae between you & my career??
haa bolo
answer me!!!
what do you expect from me???
you think you did a great job??" she asked him while crying

"Sanyukta but I did all that for us only na" he tried to hold her hand but she pulled back
"you did it for us
but you didn't care to inform me about your plan??
you left me crying!!!
only I know how difficult it was for me to come out of all these trauma!!!
Even if I forgive you
now my parents won't forgive you ever
they trusted you
& gave us a chance but you ruined everything!!
plzzz explain me
do you have answers to all my questions??
can you repent for it" she asked

"I know I was wrong
but can't we juz forget all that & start fresh??
m sorry" he apologized

he was wrong
& he hurt her beyond limit
but what can he do now?
he was guilty
& was apologizing for that
"Your sorry is not accepted
I can't forget all those things easily
9months back you asked me what will I choose between you & my dreams right?
I made my decision I chose my dreams
& now m not going to back out from them
you can call me selfish or whatever
I appreciate your efforts which you took to expose soumya but you were wrong!!!
your way was wrong!!
sorry but we can't be back together" she chipped in cold voice & went inside the washroom leaving him in tears

Your intentions don't matter..!
Perception is reality
if you perceive in a wrong way
it doesn't matter what your intentions are..!!


Thnku ^_^

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