Chp59: Dinner

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Randhir was dying to meet sanyukta it was only one day that he was away from her but it felt like it has been years
they didn't talk on phone also coz her parents were constantly around her!!
he was happy that finally her mom had called for dinner
but he was sad too coz he has to wear that burkha & go as humpty!!

they all got into randhir's car ready to leave...
"Hahaa.. oh god" nikhil laughed on watching randhir in burkha
"I hope you don't want to go to the dinner with a broken jaw" randhir warned him
"Guys plzz stop" esha frowned
while sahir shook his head & started the car

After few mins..
they finally reached
"I hope all goes well" randhir gulped
Sahir patted his back
"Don't worry we are with you"
& they proceeded towards der apartment

Esha rang the bell..
anju opened the door & was happy to see them...
"Hello...plzz come"
One by one everyone entered & at last randhir entered in burkha..
Kishor who was observing everyone quietly
twitter came running to randhir happily..
Kishor got confused why this dog so much fond of Sanyukta's friend??

"Aunty where is sanyu??" esha asked
"Inside come" anju said
& they all went to sanyukta...
"Sanyu..." esha hugged her happily
"Esshh...thank god you guys came I was bored" sanyu hugged her back
"Mumma Papa..
this is Esha
this is Sahir
you know this idiot nikhil *laughs*
& this is *pause* humpty" she introduced everyone
"M Happy you all came..
I wanted to thank you all personally for helping my babu so much" anju said while caressing Sanyukta's hair
"Aare aunty eshh don't leave free ka food so she came here running" sahir teased esha only to get a glare in return
"Hahaa...sahir you are very naughty *pulls his ear*
& you are humpty??
I wanted to meet you specially" anju took his hands in hers
at first she got confused why was his hands so rough like a man??
but then she shrugged that thought
"Hello aunty" randhir chipped in girly voice
& nikhil started laughing again only to get slapped by sahir
"What happened nikki??" anju got confused
" nothing sorry mom" nikhil chipped

why he needs to call sanyukta's mom
randhir frowned

"Humpty beta thanku so much you were with sanyukta all the time
god bless you" she cupped his face

ok now his face also didn't feel girly
she thought

Sanyukta sensed this & quickly changed the topic..
"Eeee...I want to go out
i'll also have dinner with you guys on dinning table m bored of this bed" she made a cute pout
& they all laughed
"okk nikki juz help her" anju asked nikki coz he was like family she trusted him

but someone didn't like this idea!!
why will he pick his sanyukta??
he got jealous & immediately interrupted
"I can help her"

Anju got more confused
he is a girl right?
how can he pick sanyu??
"Beta how can you??" she asked

Sanyukta slapped her forehead & signaled sahir to help her..
I'll help sanyu" sahir said & picked her up

Randhir sighed in relief
he can trust his bestie but not that nikki!!

& soon they all got settled on the dinning table..
& kishor started his class...
he was asking everyone about them what they do? where they live? etc etc...
"So you humpty you tell something about yourself" kishor asked randhir
Randhir gulped & answered
"M also in sanyukta's class doing MBA
umm..I want to become a Businessman actually" he chipped in girly voice
"Man??" kishor raised his brow
"Sorry woman I mean" he slapped himself mentally
"Ohh that's good" kishor smiled but he got lil suspicious about him

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