Chp43: I missed you

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Randhir was in sleep when he tried to move sideways but couldn't move
he tried to stretch his arm but he felt something soft against his hand
he immediately opened his eyes & found his hand was on sanyukta's cheek
"Sanyukta?" he got confused
is he dreaming??
he blinked his lashes & moved his palm on her cheek caressing it slightly to make sure she is in real?
on which she moved more closer to him almost hiding her face in his chest & hugged him..
he got shocked
" she is in real
but how she came so early?? she was supposed to come next day in afternoon right??"
& unknowingly he wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her more closer to him
that felt so right..
that restlessness that insecurity which he was feeling from past two days vanished
as if he was waiting for her only when she will come back & hug him like this
he slowly caressed her hairs
"I dnt want to admit this but I missed you alot" he finally accepted that he missed her
he closed his eyes absorbing the feeling of holding her close to his heart
his lips curved upwards in a smile
he didn't know why he was feeling so good & complete after finding her close to him??
that feeling was yet to be discovered
He closed his eyes in satisfaction & dozed up

Hours later..
Sanyukta was the first to open her eyes
she yawned & tried to get up but failed!!
she lookedup at randhir's face & smiled he was looking so cute in his messy state
& next moment she realised what is she even thinking??
& how she came so close to him??
as far as she remembers she was sleeping on her side she came back at late night & was hell tired so she decided to sleep directly
how she came in his arms?
may be in sleep
she concluded & tried to get out of his hold but all in vain his grip was too strong
"Randhir" she called him
but no response
"Randhir get up...
or atleast leave me" she chipped
but still no response
Actually he was awake but didn't respond purposely he had observed from past few days after der fight she had stopped calling him humpty!!
she calls him randhir now
& he didn't like that!!
if she can call nikhil nikki why can't she call him humpty??
okk he didn't like it first but now he want her to call that!!

strange right?
well time changes everyone..
specially when you start realizing someone's worth

He was sure getting no response from him she will get irritate & call him humpty so he was juz pretending
go & hold your gf
leave me" she frowned
getting no response she got irritated
if you dnt leave me in next two mins i'll punch your face" she shouted & he immediately left her
his plan worked
she called him humpty

"Ohh you are back?
stop shouting & get lost" he said & her jaw dropped
"M going
I have no interest to shout on you
it was your fault" she twisted her lips & went to get ready for college

He opened his eyes & smiled
why was he so happy to see her back?
why did her presence matter him so much all of sudden?
may be the upcoming inter college competition will give him all his answers


Thnku ^_^

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sorry for chotu part nxt part will be big pakka 😛

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