Chp55: Don't you dare teach me

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"Sanyukta don't be childish
come on its for your benefit only!!" randhir tried to make her understand
but she was in no mood
"Yeah that dangerous needle pain will give me benefit great" she rolled her eyes
"Nurse you do your work i'll hold her hands" he declared
& came forward to hold her hands
you can't do this!!
bloody knee I can't even run away" she screamed
"Sanyukta stop it m warning you for the last time!!
"Orelse what??
don't you understand m scared of injection
I don't want it see m fine" she frowned
"Nurse..." he signaled the nurse to go on
"Nooo... go away i'll ssly break your head" she warned nurse

okk now that's it
she was getting on his nerves now!!
it was for her good only but now he felt she is overreacting
juz shutup not one more word orelse i'll slap you
enough of your drama now take that injection quietly" he bursted his anger on her
she felt bad..
really bad
she was not doing drama she was ssly scared of injection!!
& now the way he shouted on her & that too infront of that nurse
how could he??
plus slap??
he will slap her great!!

Tears formed in her eyes...
she looked away in disbelief
Randhir closed his eyes trying to calm his anger
ok he was wrong
but she was not listening so he didn't know any other way to handle her!!

"What happened guys??
why are you shouting randhir??" nikhil entered

"Nikki" she sniffed
"hey why are you crying?" he immediately went to her & caressed her forehead

"Plzz tell them I don't want injection" she pouted
god joker when will you overcome your fear for injection??" he chuckled

"Plzzz" she made a puppy face
"Aare that's for your good health only na se you will get well soon if you take that
you don't want to participate in nxt play??" he asked
& she nodded in a yes
"then its simple come on take it" he smiled

Randhir was glaring them with a frown
actually he was getting jealous
why this nikhil had to come in between??
& why she is getting agree to his words??
was he explaining the same thing in Japanese??
okk he was lil rude
but then too
she is his gf wife infact he has that right

"Thanks nikhil..
now you can go out" randhir forced a smile
"yaa" nikhil agreed & was about to leave when sanyukta pulled his hand
"No plzz stay" she requested
"okk come on forward your hand to her" he told her sweetly

Sanyukta closed her eyes tight
& slowly gave her hand to nurse while holding nikhil's hand with other hand
Nurse did her work & quickly gave her the injection
she winced in pain & clutched nikhil's hand tightly

Burning the hell out of randhir who had his gaze fixed on der hands
he remembered how on his first meet with nikhil both came hand in hand &,he didn't like that time also & now too!!
he should be one who should do this not him!!
he balled his fist in anger & left from der

"Done" nikhil smiled & sanyukta opened her eyes feeling relief that finally it was done

"I juz hate that guy
I should have broke his hands not nose" he fumed walking out of the cabin
while Sasha gave him a naughty grin

"What??" he frowned
"Someone is being jealous" sahir laughed
"Yes I am
what do you expect from me when someone else is on my place??" he looked away
but you should also behave nice with her na
she is already in pain plus you scolded her
that's not fair" esha chipped

He kept mum...
by the time nikhil came out
"Randhir you can't talk to joker like this
she is really scared of injection she was not doing any drama!!" nikhil said & that was like adding more fuel to fire

Randhir turned & caught his collar
"Don't you dare teach me how to handle her" he fumed

m juz saying
don't be so rude
when ever sanyukta is injured or not well she behaves like this only childish
she needs pampering
& you" nikhil said while getting out of his grip

"Sahir take him away
orelse I swear I don't know what i'll do
m telling him not to teach me then too he is doing the same
I don't need his advice" randhir said getting more jealous & angry

Sahir shook his head & took nikhil away
only he know how mad hez bestie is!!


Thnku ^_^

Next will be the spoiler xD

Happy Navratri🙏
may maa durga bless you with lot's of happiness

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