Chp60: Mummaaa...

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Kishor went towards der room..
to check on sanyukta
why was she taking it so long to come on out??
he wondered

he took slow steps towards the room...
as soon as he entered the room he saw sanyukta was sleeping on the bed & humpty was sitting besides her caressing her forehead
what is this going on he got confused
"Sanyu are you okk??" kishor asked
"Yes papa m juz feeling sleepy so I asked humpty to help me to make me sleep" she chipped innocently

I will ask your friends to take a leave now you rest" kishor said & went out

& finally sandhir sighed in relief..
thank god they didn't get caught today!!

When sandhir were busy in kissing each other..
der trance got broken by twitter's bark
who came inside the room running towards them
they broke der kiss & chuckled on twitter's bad timing
"Baby you are so naughty!!!
you can't see your mumma papa happy ha??" randhir frowned
& next moment they heard some foot steps coming towards them
so randhir quickly made sanyukta lie on the bed & he again covered his face by the veil of the burkha
& sat next to her..

(Flashback ends)

"Twitter saved us today" sanyukta sighed
"Ya my baby is smart" he chuckled
"but now you have to leave" she made a sad pout
"I know.. no other option!!
i'll miss you" he pecked her forehead
"I love you" she caressed his face lovingly with her one hand
"love you too" he smiled & gotup to leave
she caught his wrist & stopped him
"Don't go" she made a puppy face
"We will talk on phone
& ya plus skype...someone told me" he smirked
she twisted her lips..
"Gudnyt humpty"
"Hahaa...gudnyt my dumbty" he chuckled & taking one last look at her he left

& they all took a leave from der...

Anju & kishor were happy to meet her frnz but they were suspicious about humpty!!
both were talking outside about that
while sanyukta called twitter near her
"Baby thanku so much you are so smart you always help us" she kissed her head
on which twitter happily wagged her tail
"You don't miss your papa??" she cupped twitter's cute face
"I know you do...
m already missing him now!!
how will I sleep without him??" she asked with a cute pout

& dialed his no...
after few rings he answered the call..
"Can't you pick up my call quickly??" *frowns*
"Aare I juz reached sorry"
"Okk..m angry with you"
"How will I sleep without you??"
"Hahaa... I can ask the same question"
" sleep alone
I have twitter with me" *grins*
did you change that burkha??
but ssly you look cute in that"
"Noo..m tired m sleeping like this only"
change & then sleep"
"Not in a mood to do so
see if I couldn't sleep then i'll come der so it will be easy to come
future planning" *laughs*
"Gudnyt babu"
& he disconnected the call

Later on...
at midnight...
Sanyukta & Anju were sleeping inside the room
when sanyukta tried to turn her side & by mistake her head got banged with anju's elbow!!
right on her wound
as her stitches were fresh it hurt her badly!!
"Aaaaaaaahhh...mummma" she winced as her sleep got disturbed
Anju panicked & quickly got up & called kishor inside
"Babu what happened??" anju asked
"Mumma my head...
aaaahhh its hurting" she started crying
"All of sudden??" kishor asked
"Mumma's hand aaaahhh.." she chipped in between her sobs
"Anju I told you let her sleep alone now see what you did" kishor scolded her
but now do something" anju replied
"Mummmaaa....." she sobbed the pain increased
plus her white bandage got blood stains..her wound started bleeding!!!

"Wait i'll call nikhil" kishor called nikhil coz he was the only one they trusted

Nikhil said hez coming right now
they will take sanyukta to the hospital
plus he decided to inform randhir as well to come directly to the hospital

& soon sanyukta was taken to the hospital...

Randhir who got the news from nikhil got scared & he immediately rushed towards the hospital without even thinking twice!!
but lil did he know that he is still that burkha

Big problem..


Thnku ^_^

okk time for bomb-blast😂🙊

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Do read my new short story on sandhir❤ "The run away bride"
m sure you will love it

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