Chapter 1: The Interview

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(Yuna featuring Usher - Crush)

[Knock, Knock, Knock] "I'm coming, give me a moment please." As I glided down the stairs of my brownstone in my all white dress. I let out a heavy, but swift sigh then opened the door. I was boldly introduced to this tall, light skinned, brother with the greenest eyes and the brightest smile I've ever seen.  I was at a total standstill, my face went completely blank. "This must be him." I thought in my head. Then I all of a sudden hear "Miss Delfonte? Miss Delfonte? Earth to Maya?" "Huh?" I quickly blinked back to reality. "What?" "Are you going to let me in or are you gonna stare at me all afternoon?" "Where are my manners? I'm so sorry, please come in." I stepped over to the side to let him & his crew inside.  "I know I'm weird looking, but do you have to make it that obvious." He joked. I giggled. "Oh stop it, no you're not." I replied back, I'm just a little star struck. He had on a teal colored double breasted suit with a gold tie & matching oxford shoes. "I heard that you know a lot about me." My head looked back at him. "Yes, yes I do." I confidently responded. Shortly after he entered two other gentlemen & a woman walked in, they politely smiled at me & I smiled right back. "Hello, my name is Whippa. I'm Jidenna's manager, it's very nice to meet you." "Likewise." I smiled as I shook her hand. "You have a lovely home." She followed me to the living room. "Oh thank you, it took me forever to design this place." I playfully rolled my eyes.  "How long have you lived here?" she continued. "I've lived here all my life, I inherited it from my parents who both passed five years ago." I gripped the end of sofa firmly.

"My condolences for your loss." She solemnly replied. "It's alright." My head shot up. "They were really great people, really loving." "Hey Whippa, you gonna interview this nice lady all day or are you gonna let her interview me now?" Jidenna shouted out in the other room. Whippa rolled her eyes. "No home training, c'mon." we laughed as we walked into the other room. "Hi, my name is Nana Kwabena. But you can call me Nana." I shook his hand. "Very nice to meet you." "And you can call me Fluent." The gentleman next to him interjected. "Nice to meet you too. Okay, so we're going to get started. Jidenna are you ready?" "Of course." He smirked. "Does anybody need anything? Water? Juice?" "No thank you, we're all ok." Whippa responded. I lead everyone to the sun room, then I grabbed Jidenna by the hand and sat him down on the couch. As I was setting up my go pro camera, he gently felt on the couch, then accidentally grazed my bare thigh. It felt like an instant shock throughout my body, I instantly tensed up. "My bad Maya, I didn't mean to startle you." He quickly withdrew his hand. "It's just that your sofa is really, really soft." He continued. "Are you okay?" "Ah...Uh, yeah. Yes I am." I replied. I cleared my throat and adjusted my shirt. "Are you ready Mr. Mobisson?" "Oh, I was born ready Miss Delfonte." I started to blush & playfully rolled my eyes, then I got quickly back into interview mode. "Okay we're live in 5...4...3...2... Good afternoon world! You're officially mixin' it with Maya, I am your host Maya D. and my special guest for today was born in Wisconsin, raised in Nigeria, Lived in the Bay Area & currently lives right here in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York. He is a mover and shaker of the hip-hop world & is changing the game one clever metaphor and tailored to perfection suit at a time.

This man is none other than the Grammy-nominated, innovative & immensely talented Cheify Chief himself Mr. Jidenna Theodore Mobisson." Whippa, Nana & Fluent started cheering. "C'mon guys, louder... C'mon!" I egged on, they cheered even louder. "Aw man, you all are too kind. You're too kind" he joined in. "You deserve it, bask in it... You deserve this shine." I enthused. "First off, that intro was the absolutely the best intro I've ever heard. So thank you Maya. I know I've been so busy and I owed you this interview for so long. I'm really glad I'm here now to do this, I'm also a huge fan of the show. And I clearly see that you know a lot about me." He smiled. "Oh that's wonderful I'm glad that I finally snagged you and I did tell you I knew a lot about you." I winked at him, he smirked.  "So first things first, I wanted to ask you. How tall are you? Cause I'm a mere 5'7" a far cry from where you're at." "Nah, I don't think you're that much shorter than me." "Nah, I don't think you're that much shorter." He laughed. We both got up and stood side by side. "I'm roughly 6'1", not that much taller than you. If you wore stilettos, you might be a little taller. Remind me to hide to good food on the top shelf." He teased. "Jerk." I rolled my eyes & we both tittered as we sat down. "So other than the obvious fact that you're taller than me, how did you snag that appearance on the Netflix series Luke Cage? I know that had to be mind blowing, I had to admit I got excited to see you unexpectantly in the beginning of Episode five of the streaming series & you're set to be on episode four of the new HBO hit series Insecure."

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