The Hell I Barely Escaped From: Part 2

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(Destiny's Child - Through With Love)

–Jidenna's POV–
As I entered the room, I saw Maya in bed. She looked awful, but not as bad as she looked when I saw her last. "J-Jidenna, is that you?" she could barely raise her voice it was so low. "Yeah Maya, it's me." I pulled up a chair and sat next to her holding her hand. She slightly winced, I quickly released my hand.

"I-I'm sorry." I replied nervously. "No, that's okay." She reached out for my hand and I held it more gently. "I'm glad you're here, sorry you had to see me like that." she kept her head down. "No, no, no, don't ever be sorry you hear me? Don't ever be sorry, you were attacked. You did not deserve this, no one deserves this brutality." I was once again fighting back tears.

"Are you crying? Why are you crying?" she asked trying to sit up slowly. Then I noticed the tears silently falling from my eyes, I wiped them away quickly. "I'm feeling guilty I guess." I cracked a smile in good faith. "Guilty about what?" she looked confused. "I shouldn't have let you leave with him, if I would've stopped you–" "You probably would've been arrested and then I would've still left with him." "What happened would've probably still happened & I might've been alive at that point." she looked at me & smiled, I mirrored her.

"You saved my life J, I know that now." she softly stroked my cheek. "You and Whippa tried to warn me, but I wouldn't listen. If it's anyone's fault, it's my own." "And I'm sorry to say this Jidenna, but you look like shit." I chuckled at her. "Well thank you Maya." I sarcastically responded. "I just was up in the emergency room all night, they wouldn't tell me anything." I continued in my normal tone. "All night?! Did you go to class at least?" she sounded shocked.

"No. I couldn't knowing that you were here by yourself. I wasn't going to leave your side for a minute!" I looked into her soft brown eyes. Her eyes started welling up with tears. I very gently wiped them away. "Jidenna, stay with me. You're the only I know, I don't want to be here alone."

–Maya's POV–
I don't know if it was the drugs I'm on or what, but Jidenna looked like an angel under these lights. I was awestricken, but was in so much pain. He softly smiled at me. "I'll stay right here." It warmed my heart and I smiled back. Then I remember how I cursed this man as I escaped Nathan's dorm and blamed him for what my fiancée did. Jidenna mirrored my expression.

"What happened?" I looked at him with tearful eyes. "I'm so ashamed." I blurted out as a tear strayed from my eye. "Ashamed of what? You didn't do anything." his face became worrisome. "The whole time I was getting away from what Nate did, I blamed you and I hated you so much for what he did. And it was actually you that saved me." I couldn't hold back anymore and started bawling.

He held me close and then I felt drops of water falling on the side of my face, he started silently crying. I held Jidenna a little closer, then we separated and looked into each other's eyes. We wiped each other's tears and we leaned into each other's faces. Then we heard the door opening wide, breaking our trance.

"CARMEN, SHE'S IN HERE!" Annalise ran in panicked. "Oh my God Maya! Look at what he did to you!" Annalise ran to my bedside and nearly knocking Jidenna over. She Hugged me and Carmen came in shortly after. "Maya, are you okay?" Carmen asked fighting back tears.

"Carmen, look at her damn face! Of course she's not okay!" Annalise retorted. "I know Anna, I was just asking damn." Carmen replied. A confused look was plastered on my face. "How did you guys know where I was?" my face was confused. Jidenna was in the background at this point.

"When I didn't see you in class, I remember that Nathan goes to school out here. He did this to you, didn't he?" Carmen became angry. Before I could speak, Annalise turned her head to face Jidenna. "And who are you nigga?" "ANNALISE!" Carmen & I shouted. "Nah, nah, she's good. My name is Jidenna, I was the one who brought Maya here. I'm glad that she has friends like you to make sure she's safe."

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