Chapter 30

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A/N: please read the Author's note at the end for an explanation. TRIGGER WARNING!! Talking about needles and blood until ***

„Okay Dan, just relax." Lilly, one of Dan's responsible nurses said, while piercing the cannula into his arm.

Dan purposely looked away from the action, grabbing tight onto Phil's hand and looking deeply into his eyes. He tried to distract himself by looking at his beautiful boyfriend.

„You are doing very good!" Dan heard the nurse say. Phil just nodded encouragingly towards Dan. Dan quickly got the impression that Phil might also not be very good with blood.

Dan slowly turned his head to look at the cannula that was draining the blood out of his body. This was nothing new to Dan – ever since he came to MIR, they would take blood samples almost weekly. To check on his blood levels and such. Nevertheless, it was still not his favorite activity.

He let out a big sigh as he felt the needle leaving his flesh. He was always thankful whenever Lilly was the person to take his blood samples. She was very gentle and comforting towards Dan, even back then when it was particularly hard for anyone to get close to him.    


„Well done, Dan!" Lilly said, honestly happy. „I think that was the last time we had to do this. I believe Dr Ligouri won't need anymore."

„Thank god." Dan replied, taking another glance at Phil who was giving him a lopsided smile.

Lilly packed all of her equipment up, took the sample and left the room, quickly nodding towards the two boys.

„It's not over yet..." Phil said with a sad smile. „You know there are a lot of other tests you have to do before you can actually leave this place."

Dan nodded. „Sure, but nothing is as horrific as... THAT." He made a gesture towards the crook of his arm that was now beautifully decorated with a little white plaster.

„Yeah I could imagine..." Phil said, rising from his chair. "Now, you want to continue packing?"

"Well, there isn't a lot left..." Dan answered, almost embarrassed.

The last days they had been packing up all of Dan's stuff that he brought to MIR. Mostly clothes and a few small items. It was only a small box full of Dan's belongings and he felt somewhat embarrassed about that.

PJ, Dan's responsible doctor, had been talking to Phil about Dan and that he was now at a state, where he could actually move out of the psychiatry. Now, all of the nurses and doctors were doing check-ups with him to see if his physical state would also allow his discharge.

Back then, when Dan first came into MIR and got asked what of his belongings he wanted to get from his parent's house, he didn't answer. At that point, he just couldn't. However, now he truly regretted it, as he thought of all the things that were still left in his childhood room that he had been missing all those years. His parents had probably thrown all of his stuff away carelessly. All the CD's and DVD's, that he saved up for and went working for. His books, video games and digital devices. All his souvenirs that he brought from all the trips him and his family used to make; all of the concert and cinema tickets. It was a pity that his parents probably didn't think twice about throwing them away.

"Hey, I have a little surprise for you." Phil suddenly said, interrupting Dan's thoughts. "I know you worry about your old stuff. But don't worry, I've got you covered!"

Dan questioningly raised an eyebrow. He didn't know what Phil meant, neither what his surprise could be. However, as he saw that Phil offered his hand, Dan gladly took it and followed him outside his room.

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