Chapter 29

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Hey Dan,

sorry for not writing back in a while, I just didn't have the time.

I am so proud to hear how quickly your situation is improving. At this point, I could never go to Alfie's house, I would be way to anxious for that. But I am just so glad that everything worked out for you.

I hear the guards already talk that you will probably be moving out in 2 months? This is insane! I never thought that you would be out here before me ;)

I also wanted to let you know since you have kept asking: Yes, I finally let Alfie kiss me. He had attempted it for a while now, but only 3 days ago I felt like it was the right time to do it. I am very confident that we will spend our lives together, at least I hope so.

The bad news are though, that my depression levels haven't sinked in a while now, but my doctor says that this is due to the attention I have been getting lately, with my brother visiting and all. He told me, that I will probably have to face anxiety and panic attacks all through my life but hopefully, we'll manage to work through it.

I am just so glad that both you and Phil have found a companion, because you two are besides Alfie the only people I care about and knowing that you two are safe and sound now is just really satisfying for me.

Please make sure to come see me one last time before you move out!

Yours sincerely,


Dan smiled at the letter he had just finished reading by his friend Zoe. He enjoyed talking to her, even though it was just possible through letters, since visits were still very troublesome for both Zoe and Dan. He planned on writing her back later, first he wanted to spend his time with the lovely man who was sitting behind him on his bed, gently stroking Dan's upper arm.

„I am glad to hear that Zoe is more or less okay." Phil said, inching closer to Dan, who was slightly bending his head so he could look at Phil. „I really want to visit her some day. I really care about her and it would be lovely to stay in touch."

Dan nodded silently. He gave Phil a quick look, which signalized Phil to back off a little, so that Dan could stand up. They have come to a point, when Dan didn't even have to say anything; a single glance into Phil's direction was enough to tell what he should or shouldn't do.

Dan stood up from the bed and neatly placed the letter right in the middle of his desk, reminding him to reply to it as soon as possible. He still worried about Zoe, since she really took a long time on getting better. But he sincerely hoped that Alfie would guide her in the right direction and help her get better quickly. Phil was right, we should visit her at some point.

Dan smiled at the thought of them visiting MIR. But at this point, Dan would already be a free man.

„What is it?" Phil asked cheerily as he saw the huge smile spread over Dan's face.

Dan walked over to the bed, where Phil was sitting on the edge, looking longingly towards his boyfriend. „I just imagined how we would visit Zoe one day. But at that time, I would already be living with you."

Phil started to smile too. He grabbed both of Dan's hands and dangled them around. Now, that Dan was standing in front of him while he was sitting was the only time Dan was ever taller than Phil. Of course Dan would probably still grow in the years to come but for right now, Phil enjoyed the height difference they had.

Dan sat on Phil's lap, his hands buried in the back of his hair. While he looked into the greeny-blue eyes of him, he ran his hands through the freshly died raven black hair. Dan nodded, as Phil gave him a questioning look towards his lips. It has come to a point where kissing was just so normal and casual for them, that it didn't even leave one bit of anxiety in Dan, which would have been unthinkable a few months ago.

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