Chapter 18

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Part 3/3

As the seconds ticked by, Phil's heart started beating more and more. What if she wasn't home? Maybe she was still at work, or grocery shopping or whatever adult women do with their time. Phil even considered once again to just turn around and run away and completely forget about this whole situation and live happily ever after with Dan. But then he heard steps behind the door and tensed up even further.

The door opened up slightly, just a crack, and a pair of blue eyes peaked out. "Yes?" a high-pitched voice said. "Who are you?"

"Um, hello, my name is Phil Lester." Phil started with a neutral expression, not knowing what to expect.

As soon as Phil said those words, the door swung open widely, a short woman standing in the doorframe with a bright smile. "Oh it's you! Please Mr. Lester, come in! My name is Cornelia Howell but please just call me Conny!" the woman invited Phil inside.

Phil first was a little overwhelmed by the woman who first seemed to be so scared of him and now grabbed him by the shoulders to guide him inside. As Phil remained frozen, he got shoved onto a comfy large couch. As Dan's mother ran past him to another room, he could smell her perfume that was a florally sweet scent.

Mrs Howell rummaged through the room she had run into; Phil guessed it was the kitchen since he heard the rattling of mugs. "Do you want something to drink Mister Lester? A coffee, a tee?" she yelled from the kitchen.

"No thank you." Phil yelled back, wanting to be on distance. "And also Phil is enough."

While Conny was gone, Phil looked around in the room. It was a nice little home, however the living room was just a small as Phil room at home, and for a house as big as hers this was quite unusual. But it was not that it was uncomfortable, in contrary, this room was really cosy and felt homely. The fireplace that was standing right next to a large TV was lit and spread nice warmth through the whole room. Phil even took off his coat and sweater, so that he was just left in his normal button-up.

Also, the furniture was all in the same colour scheme, all beige brown. The cupboards, the huge couch that dominated most of the room, the little couch table, the 2 armchairs... Everything was perfectly matched. On top of the fireplace, a dark red candle was lit that left the room in a nice autumny smell. The cupboards were filled with all sorts of books and little things, probably souvenirs and other bits and pieces.

"So, I have been really looking forward to hearing from you the day I called MIR." Conny stated as she slowly sat down in the armchair to Phil's right, holding a cup of steaming tea in her hands.

Phil just nodded. At the moment, he just really didn't know what to say or do. He just never ever expected Dan's mother to be like this, so aware and kind. She was obviously really interested in Phil and getting in touch with Dan, she had even patiently waited for Phil to approach her.

Phil started to instantly feel sorry that even judged her beforehand like he did. Even though he still didn't know her intentions, she seemed really nice and concerned about her son.

"You know when I saw him in the newspaper it just hit me like a train..." she stated, her mind drifting off.

"Newspaper?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, didn't you know? Whenever someone in MIR get's adopted, they get put in the newspaper! It's the same when babies are born!" she explained, looking at Phil as if she couldn't believe that he didn't know that. "Since then, I have been trying to find you."

"Me? Weren't you looking for Dan?" Phil said with a neutral tone, still wanting to stay on the casual site.

"Of course I was! But they wouldn't let me visit him! I tried a few times..." she said in a sad tone.

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