Chapter 26

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„You... what?" Dan asked nervously, removing his hand from Phil's face.

Phil could see a mixture of fear and anger showing through on Dan's features. He knew that Dan wasn't really good with meeting new people, but it had been getting better lately. Because of this, Phil didn't think that it would be that much of a problem for Dan, especially since he already knew his mother.

"Who is it?" Dan asked quietly, inching away from Phil.

" know her... and... I told her that if you don't want to see her, then she'll have to accept it alright? So don't feel pressured, just let me know whenever you don't feel good and I will immediately –" Phil started to ramble.

"Her?" Dan interrupted him. "Who is it?"

"Y-Your mom." Phil said while looking down on the floor. He didn't want to see Dan's face right now, he was too afraid of what he would see.

Phil didn't know what he was expecting. Maybe that Dan would break down crying on the floor, screaming, that Phil should leave and never come back. He probably expected the worst case scenario.

But in real life, Dan was just calm. He sat down on the edge of his bed, folding his hands on his lap. He didn't acknowledge Phil. He was just sitting there, thinking.

Thinking about what he should do. Dan really couldn't tell how he would react when he'd see his mother again. Of course he didn't want to hurt her, but maybe his behaviour would? There was no way that this encounter would end well. But... Did Dan really want it to go well?

All this time that he'd been in MIR now, NO ONE of his family cared. No one ever came to visit him.

And thinking back – his mother kicked him out, carelessly. Even if she regretted it, she never came searching for him. It was not like Dan was impossible to find – Phil once told him that MIR has a column in the papers every week, with the new patients. So they clearly had seen him there, and just didn't care.

Dan was happy right now. He was happy to have Phil, he was happy because he could feel his medical situation getting better and better. After MIR, he would go live with Phil. He didn't need his parents or his brother. He would be a lot better without them.

Dan slowly closed the laptop that was sitting by his side that he had watched a movie on until Phil appeared. He didn't want to be distracted now; he wanted to have his full attention on the meeting with his mother.

"You can let her in." Dan said with a calm expression, still not addressing Phil.

Phil nodded, walking back to the door. He could see a pair of blue eyes poke around the corner but that was not Phil's biggest problem right now. All he could think about was Dan, as usual.

He seemed calm, but Phil really couldn't tell what he would say to his mother when she came in. Phil couldn't imagine how Dan would react.

And... Was he mad at Phil for bringing his mother?

"Mrs Howell?" Phil said even before reaching the door. He could see how she was quickly inching away from the door, pretending to be clueless about everything that happened in the room a few minutes before.

"You can come in." Phil stated and saw her face light up with happiness.

Phil slowly held the door open for her, as she was walking into the room, a little to over-eager for Phil's liking.

When Conny entered the room, Dan rose from his spot. He was standing tall, body strong, as if he was to impress her. Conny stopped in her tracks, suddenly pressing her hand on her mouth. She was standing about 2 metres away from Dan, facing him directly. Suddenly, Phil had a loud sob. But it was Dan who was crying – it was his mother.

PHAN -Save me, please.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora