Chapter 10

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A/N: Big announcement(s) at the end!! Everything written in italics is a flashback


Phil knocked on the door to PJ's office. He felt really anxious nevertheless, since it was now over week since their date. Phil had tried to avoid PJ the last week, but since he was Dan's responsible doctor and Phil of course wanted to know every single detail about Dan's current state, there was no avoiding PJ in any way.

"Come in..." an absent voice said from inside the room.

As Phil slowly entered the (as always) messy room, PJ looked up. His face immediately dropped, as he was obviously not expecting Phil.

"Oh... I thought you were somebody else..." PJ said in a salty tone. He stood up, walked over to the cupboard full of folders and started searching.

"Yeah well um, I was just here to ask about Dan..." Phil chuckled, clearly uncomfortable.

"Oh you don't say..." PJ answered in an annoyed tone.

"PJ come on, stop being mad at me. It is not my fault that I don't have any feelings for you!" Phil stated, still awkwardly lingering in the door frame.

"You know what, I don't care." PJ stated carelessly, slamming the well-known brown folder onto his desk. "You do you and I have to accept that. Also, I am just Daniel's responsible doctor and nothing else. Got it?"

"Yeah sure..." Phil mumbled. Sure, he didn't even think about PJ's site before. Sure as a doctor, an authority, PJ was certainly not allowed to be in a relationship with his patients and sure it was the same for the adopters. If someone got to know that he almost started dating Phil, it'll for sure have some consequences. That still didn't explain why PJ was so mad at Phil.

"I understand that you want to keep your image, but why are you mad at me anyways?" Phil voiced his thoughts.

"Well wouldn't you be mad at the person who dumped you?" PJ asked rhetorically. He said down in his chair, folding his hands in front of him on his desk. He nodded towards the seat opposite to him, offering Phil to sit down.

"I didn't dump you!" Phil got all defensive as he sat down.

"Well whatever..." PJ sighed, clearly being done with the topic. "Let's just focus on why you're here in the first place..."

Phil nodded quietly. For him, the debate certainly wasn't over yet. He really wanted to explain to PJ why he had acted the way he did and why he didn't at all consider it "dumping". He wanted to tell PJ, that it was nothing against him as a person, more about Phil's needs and feelings. But PJ's body language and facial expression left no space to argue.

"So Daniel's data has improved further, his depression level has sunken to an all time low. He never had better results on a depression test than yesterday. Also, Dr. Green, the therapist who leads the Support Group he attended, said that Dan was able to cope with other people really well, especially when they have similar problems." PJ started to analyse Dan's recent founds.

"Wait... Support Group?" Phil asked alarmed. "Why did no one tell me this?"

"He attended the Support Group yesterday, so you couldn't know any better. But maybe ask him about it yourself." PJ warded off.

"Alright..." Phil chuckled, still uncomfortable in PJ's presence. "Something else?"

"Well... I have been a doctor for a while now. And with all the patients that I had to this point who had similar symptoms and problems as Dan, they were all slowly starting their "trying-out-phase" at this point, which means that he is going to ask you about different things that he wants to try out. This could possibly be asking you about certain things that are normally too personal, or he could ask to hug or kiss you, it depends on the patient. Because of his incident, he built up all these walls around him. And now, as he slowly starts to remove these walls, he just wants to test out the limit, how far he can go. But please, just go along with it, alright?" PJ demanded. "It is a long process of getting out of recovery and sometimes he has to act physically, not just talking."

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