Chapter 2

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A/N: talk about self-harm, depression and suicide, when ****


The huge door swung open, and behind that was another long hallway, but this time many doors side by side, with only a little window on eye level. 'It looks more like a prison than a hospital.' Phil thought as he nodded to Mr. Oakley who held the door open for him. Phil slowly entered the hallway, not sure what to do at this point. He tensed up, as he heard a loud squeak behind him. As he then turned around quickly, he saw Mr. Oakley slowly closing the huge door. 'I'm trapped!' Phil thought.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - just wait here for a second, Ms. Pentland will be available for you any minute." Said Mr. Oakley answering Phil's concerned expression. Wow, they left him alone in a psychiatry...

As the door suddenly closed behind him with a loud bang, he started shivering, clinging onto his folder. He stood with his back pressed to the door, fearing that any minute an insane person could jump on him and eat him alive, like in the movies.

"Welcome Sir!" said a feminine voice from around the corner. The owner of the voice was a well-built woman with long blond hair tied into a tight bun on the top of her head. She approached Phil with a smile, reaching out her hand. Phil took it and shook her hand softly, noticing that she was wearing rubber gloves.

"I'm Louise Pentland and I am the responsible official of this station." She introduced herself with a smile. She took the brown folder out of Phil's hand and opened it, skimming through the first page. "Well then Mr. Lester, are you ready to meet your patient?"

"Y-yes of course!" Phil answered with a shaky voice. He was still incredibly nervous. What if Daniel didn't like him? What if Phil made everything worse? What if Daniel was a total asshole and wouldn't even want help?

"Follow me please, Sir!" Louise answered, offering him a cheerful smile.

Phil slowly followed Ms. Pentland down the hallway, not looking to his sides, still in fear of coming in contact with murderers or zombies. 'Phil, pull yourself together! This is just a normal hospital, you are not in a horror movie!' he thought to himself.

They walked for almost 5 minutes, hallway after hallway, stairs and stairs, rooms wherever Phil looked. Finally, Ms. Pentland stopped in front of a green door with the inscription: "Staff". She pulled out a huge set of keys, unlocking the door in front of them. The room was the same as the one earlier just that besides the table and chairs, there was a huge cupboard covering the entire wall. Ms. Pentland walked over to the cupboard with a locked drawer. She pulled out a single key out of her pocket, handing it to Phil.

"This key is for you. You can leave your personal belongings in this drawer, Mr. Oakley informed you about that, right?" she asked.

"Yes, he did. But..." Phil started, being interrupted by Louise.

"All electronic devices, possible weapons like knives, forks, items made of metal or glass and medications or food, if you carry something with you. Please also leave your bag & jacket here." Ms. Pentland instructed further.

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