"There's a reason why I needed a new maid"

A creak In the wood makes me jolt up causing me to knock the rest of the journals on to the floor. One tumbles open and I'm able to make out the word "murder" or maybe "martir" it's hard to tell the writing is smudge.

"Well well" someone has been watching me and the hairs on my back begin to stand. It causes me to fumble again.

It's not someone. It's Harry.

I turn around to find him leaning on an old cabinet. I can't read the expression on his face. Then he breaks into a mischievous smile and brushes past me.

"Nice maids outfit"

"Shut up"

"No I mean it. Cute."

And even though I knows he's just trying to crawl under my skin for whatever God forsaken reason, something flickers inside of me. Harry stands in the center of the attic. He scratches his head and his Shirt lifts up on one side exposing a slice of bare stomach.

My inner fire ignites.

"It's really - er - messy still" he says.

Sizzle. Flames extinguished.

"Is it? I thought I was pretty much done" I mock him and my sarcastic remark takes him aback a bit.

He wanders around picking up things and examines them. "You know" he clears his throat leaving his rough accent silky smooth "she doesn't like her things touched"

I raise my eyebrows in question. "I know she told me but how am I suppose to clean mrs. Mae's stuff without touching them" but then I remember I sort of was snooping through those journals. Damn it why'd I have to be so curious.

"Mrs. Mae? oh right she hates that as well"

"As well?"

Ignoring my comment he places down a glass cup on a box though I had just cleaned it and placed it away. I simply grabbed it and put it right back.

"I'm sorry" he says


"You're fixing everything I set down" he nods at my hands.

"Oh it's okay" I say quickly "you can touch anything you want"

He freezes. A funny look runs across his face before I realized what I've just said. He stalks me slowly as I back away finding myself cornered against a pile of boxes. He snakes his hand up my thigh then whispers "in that case"

I can't seem to find my breathe. "I-I didn't mean" my cheeks are blazing as I become weak I try to push him off of me but his free hand slams mine against the boxes.

"Are you a virgin Belle" he looks at me with a lustful glare.

"Ex-excuse me?"

"You can always tell when they're virgins ... they get wet so easily" his hot breathe tickles my neck

I'm terrified but surprised when he suddenly steps away from me.

"Calm down babe I'm only teasing" he says with a lick to his lips. Funny how someone so mysteriously terrifying can be so attractive. No not funny one hundred percent the opposite of funny.

"Go away" I try to say as demanding without sounding too vulnerable. I don't know this guy and the way he acts so comfortable around me makes me uneasy. Why does he talk to me anyway. Unless he was crazy but that doesn't excuse it actually, probably makes it worse.

"I'm gone." He tells me and I don't watch him leave. I place my array of garbage in a big box to dispose of. As I head my way toward the ladder I feel a tug on my arm.

"Harry can you-" only when I turn around no one is there. I notice a brown fog seeping through the vents. Once again I feel a tug on my arms causing me to fall down the hole from the attic landing with a loud thud. and there goes the ladder escaping back up.

"Ouch" I slightly rub my bum. "I swear Harry I'm tired of your sick jokes." I curse to myself. I gather the junk back into the box and throw it away.

When I return to the kitchen my gnawing curiosity gets the best of me again.

"Mrs. Mae may I ask you a question?"

"Hmm of course dear" she says as if it seems she has just now noticed me.

"Do you know a person by the name of Harry?... he says he lives ... around here?"

"Yes" she says cautiously. "I do.... his name is Harry Styles"

"And?" I feel terrible questioning her like this. But I can tell she sees the curiosity almost bursting through my amber brown eyes.

She exhales loudly as if I'm bothering her "troubled, troubled boy that one is. Some say he's dangerous." She says without a care as she examines her cigarette

"Dangerous?" he must be well known to get such a title 

"You see there's been a few murders these pass years of women more specific, some men too. They've been found with there throat slashed and organs taken out and arranged perfectly around the victims body."

I gasp in horror. "You don't mean" I start to say

"Yes Harry is ... was suspected to be the killer but the killings have stopped. They never did find the murdered. It doesn't mean he's not guilty that boy's had a dangerous past and I don't want you getting mixed with him I've seen him around the house constantly pestering you"

"I can't say I enjoy it..." More questions keep poking on the insides of my brain like why she hasn't told him to piss off but I've bothered Mrs. Mae enough for today. Not to mentioned me being late this morning. I don't think I can ask anymore questions anyways because she changes the subject almost suddenly.

"Did you get a lot done in the attic?"

"No ma'am but I did organize a little better up there" I leave out the parts Harry was involved in.

"Well I'm going out tonight make sure you make dinner for Admira and yourself I'll be back late" she begins to gather her things. "Oh and don't let Admira help with the cooking she likes to put .. undesired ingredients in the cooking"

"Okay nice to ..know?"

Dinner time comes around and Admira is sitting opposite of me across the counter. Curiosity takes hold of me once more.

"So ... Admira why don't you like that boy ... Harry was it " I pretend to forget his name as I tap my chin. Admira is still quiet. The way she circles her food around deflecting my conversation is purposeful. I get a feeling she knows about our Harry Styles situation more than she's letting on.


She gives me a weird look.

"He fights with mother a lot"

"About what?" now were getting somewhere.


Or not.

She pushes her plate away "I'm not hungry I'm going out to play. She dashed past me before I can protest. Not long after I start cleaning I hear a high pitch shriek coming from the backyard. It was Admira's it had to be.

I bolt through the back doors to the yard and as I guessed Admira is standig in the back of the yard where the shack was located. I completely forget that the shack was one of the prohibited areas around the house. I run to her side anyways and when my eyes meet where she is staring, this time it is my voice that's grown quiet as I slap my hands to my mouth to hide my gasps.

Ripper (A Harry Styles fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora