The bell rang, then in walked, the always late, teacher. "Alright! Seats now!" she shouted and quickly everyone got to their seats.This teacher could get very mean when she wanted, so everyone stayed on her good side. "Alright, today we are going to continue reading Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'. Alright we are on scene two." she looked around the room, looking for someone to read. "Tallis start the scene, please." she told him, while being polite. Glad she didn't call on me.

Tallis began, "King Claudius: Though  yet of Hamlet our dear brother's death. The memory be green, and that it is us befitted.." I drowned out the rest of it. I don't really do Shakespeare. I looked over to CayLynn, seeing her engrossed into the play. She loves his work. I watched her as she followed along reading silently to herself.

"Byron. Byron! BYRON!" I heard the teacher yell. My head snapped to her. "Continue please." she told me, staring at me as well as the rest of the class. I looked down at my book. I was in some shit. "Please, continue Byron." she sternly said.

"Scene three man. ' Trevor hissed in a hushed tone. I found sence three and went to read.

"Laertes: My necessaries are embark'd: farewell. And, sister, as the winds give benefit. And convoy is assistant, do not sleep, But let me hear from you." I continued on. I was half way threw the scene when the bell rang. Thank you! I packed up my stuff and looked to see CayLynn doing the same. I stood up, grabbing her bag when she was done. She got up, putting her crutches under her armpits and headed out. I meant her at the door, then took her to her next class.

Roman was standing at my next class, waiting on me. I smiled. I knew Zel was in this class and I grin at him. He looked confused until Zel walked by to go in there. His face lit up and my grin got bigger. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. 

We went into our Physics class and took our seats. Roman had to go to the front first then came to sit next to me. It was four people per table. Zel sat across from me, Jayce was next to her and Roman next to me. He kept stealing glances at her. I notice it and thought it was very cute.

"Alright class, quiet. Today we are going to study high energy physics. Also known as particle physics. So please take out your books and open to page 560." he opened his book as well. "So can anyone tell what particle physics is?" I raised my hand. "Yes, CayLynn.'

"Particle physics is the study of the elementary constituents of matter and energy, and the interactions between them. It may also be called "high energy physics", because many elementary particles do not occur naturally, but are created only during high energy collisions of other particles, as can be detected in particle accelerators." I answered.

"That would be correst. Thank you." he said smiling. I nodded and he went about the subject while the whole class took notes. Every week he checdks to make sure that you are. I always get a hand cramp from it.

Lunch time came. Zel and I were on our way to the lunch room, when I felt a hand on my lower. Stopping my conversation with Zel, I looked to see Axe. I smiled slightly but not enough to freak someone out. It's been awhile since he has been by me. Ok, so Saturday was the last time I saw him. I'm just used to him always being there.

We got to the lunch room and I went to the table, so we could set our stuff down to get food. As I was kind of walking away, I felt a hand on my arm. I looked over at Byron, smiled at him. "I got us lunch. Sit." he said. I nodded and sat down. Roman handed Zel some food and she smiled at him.

"So how was your day so far?" I asked Byron.

"Same old. Boring!" he grunted, rolling his eyes.

"It isn't that bad. You're just lazy!" I snorted.

Book One: My Ghostly Wolf Protector (Supernatural Series) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now