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"By the way I invited Maureen too." Clary said, when they were almost at Pandemonium.

"Why would you do that?" Simon in utter disbelief asked and looked confused.

"She is my friend after all and I wanted her to come, since you didn't invite her, I did. You know that she has feelings for you." Clary bursted out the last part. Why had she told Simon that?

"She what?" Simon heard clearly what Clary had said, but he hoped it wasn't true.

"Maureen has feelings for you." Clary repeated herself. Why did she have to point out the obvious to Simon?

"That's not possible, Maureen doesn't like me. She would've done something already." He said, denying what he was hearing.

"Yes, she DOES." Clary was already frustrated with Simons denial and all that.

"I don't buy it." He replied and began thinking that maybe he had a chance with girls.

"How are you so blind that the person right infront of you has feelings for you?" Clary asked him. Is he so blind of love? She thought to herself.

"I garantee you that I'm not the only one." Simon said as they walked into Pandemonium, Kyle and Maureen waiting for them inside.


"Where have you been? We have waited for almost 30 minutes, we thought you blew us off." Maureen looked a little bit furious. Kyle just stood there, watching how Maureen was relieved that Simon and Clary finally showed up.

"Well... Simon over here just came to my place and was like and I quote: I have to get you ready for tonight, I changed some things. We are celebrating your birthday today. So in conclusion it is his fault." Clary explained as Simon started defending himself.

"What? You took too long to pick out something to wear. Who tries on 7 different outfits?" Simon defended himself wide eyed. Clary and Maureen felt offended.

"How can you say that?" They said at the exact same time, anger started boiling in them.

"They are girls Simon, that's why they have to try on different outfits. It's just what they do." Kyle finally added.

Simon was looking at him like he was a betrayer. Clary and Maureen as happy as can be that Kyle understood how hard it is. Girls have to pick the best of the best for parties.

"Simon, just give up. You are not going to win this fight or any other fight you have with us or have had." Clary looked satisfied when she saw the disappointment in his eyes, at the same time sadness. Who likes to be beaten by girls in anything?

"Alright, but I will win one day. Until that day comes, lets party." Simon looked defeated, but happy to party his ass off tonight.


Pandemonium was very crowded. People where dancing on the dancefloor, some were making out in the darkest corners of the nightclub. Also the lights were flashing different colors, the dancefloor lighting up from time to time, a discoball hung from the ceiling. Clary felt alive when her favorite band started playing, it was Panic! At the disco. 

"Come dance with me Simon!" Clary yelled at the top of her lungs, the music too loud to talk normally.

"Whatever the birthday girl says." Simon smiled sweetly at Clary as he walked towards her.

Maureen and Kyle joined them after a little while. Clary as swaying her hips, Simon dancing awkwardly, Maureen trying to hit on Simon with her dance moves, Kyle flirting with a girl beside them. Everything felt right until someone offered a drink to Clary.

"Why thank you! You are so nice!" Clary took the drink, she was quite thirsty and it was all down in seconds. She had talents drinking anything, a full coffee cup could go in under 20 seconds.

"Hey! Watch where you're going jackass!" Clary stopped dancing and looked who bumped into her.

It was Jace. Of course, the person I so wanted to see tonight. How can someone be so full of himself? Clary thought.

Jace just smirked his signature smirks, his chipped tooth showing and kept on walking.

"Okay. I need to get another drink to make this night better." Clary motioned to the bar.

Simon was dancing with Maureen and Kyle had disappeared to somewhere unknown. Nobody heard or noticed what Clary was doing, she was actually glad at that.

She got her drink, but couldn't find any of her friends. I do have to be so short. Clary was furious at herself. Well, at least I can go deeper into Pandemonium.

She reached the wall opposite to the entrance. Or so she thought. It was actually a curtain. Curious of what was inside she stepped in and found something she didn't want to.

Jace -the boy who just bumped into her about 10 minutes ago- had a sword in his hand. He was ready to kill someone. Wait... I think this is a dream so... WAKE UP CLARY! WAKE UP!!! She pinched herself. I am now realizing this isn't a dream or... What the hell is in these drinks?

The sword that Clary saw was covered in blood, she utterly freaked out and couldn't move. She was so afraid that something would happen to her.

Good thing that nobody noticed Clary, she just watched what was going on. What the hell are those tattoos? Wait... Who IS that girl. OMG!! It's ME... Am i already dead? What's happening? 

In reality there was no sword, just Jace talking to a brunette beautiful girl, who was crying. Jace had broken up with her, of course he had broken up with her. He was that kind of a guy. 

Clary started to scream, she saw blood instead of tears. Jace looked as quickly as he could to the person who was screaming. Why is Clary screaming? Jace thought.

"Why are you screaming Clary? Some people might think you're kuku in here." Jace motioned to her head.

"Well, you did-" Clary's vision came back to normal and she realized nothing like the things she saw were happening.

"Well, I what?.." Jace curious of what Clary was about to say, but didn't finish her sentence.

"Nothing. I have to get going. See you in school." Clary rushed out the room, seeing Simon, Maureen and Kyle she started dragging them out the club.

Author's Note

Hi! So, I try to post as often as possible, but unfortunately school is a pain in the ass and I can't do anything about that. Please give me your feedback on this! I really would be grateful.

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