Fire Flies

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People would think I'm lying,
If was to tell them about tonight.
I've got many dreams about,
That one crazy hell of a ride...

I would look up, heaven high,
Gazing right up, into the skies...

Wherever you'd go,
I'll be there.
You're never going to be alone.

Whatever it takes,
Even if my heart breaks,
I got you till the end of our road.

I'll always, be with you,
And your beautiful self.
Looking up to a different height.
That's gotta be right,
My plight...

I'll always be right by your side...
Ah girl, you show me how fire flies...

And then there was a time,
When I had said that it's gonna be alright.

Well you just shook your head and said,
"My life ain't going out just fine."

I'd try my best to keep your head up high.
We'd count the crazy, little fireflies...

You'd put your hands on mine,
Kinda like how when the stars align...

Whatever we're about,
I'll be around,
For you, forever more.

I'd think of that night,
And how I'd be by your side,
Sitting right together close.

You know, I'll be with you,
Wondering what we could do.
Staring up the sky,
Look at it shine,
Our life...

Now, go out there and rise...
You really show me how fire...flies...

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! I hope you had a great October to end with and also have started a rather benevolent November to begin with...
Once again, I'd like to apologise for my tardiness in writing. But as always, I'll try to find as much time as possible to this passion that I love doing...
After writing 41 chapters, in the duration of about 7 months, Firefly really changed the person I am and perhaps will be. I sincerely hope it has given you some important ways of comprehending life too.
Now I'd like to finalise Firefly with this last 42nd chapter. It is a poetic work of pure romance, a category that I simply enjoy writing. It gives somewhat of a visualisation of finding that one, destined person you will someday meet. Someone who would love to know not just the important characteristics of you, but every insignificant detail too. Be it your scars and wounds, and where they came from; your favourite books; or even your preferred stationary franchise... It should someone who'd want to know every quarter-second of your favourite song, every scene of your favourite movie, and someone who would feel every word [that you say] resonate within the deepest and most empathic chambers...

Folks, friends, readers; you are the true authors of this book and what made it come alive. For that, I can't possibly repay you with anything but my sincere gratitude and prayers. Thank you, for every word you've read and possibly learned from. It is a true pleasure...
Now, of course... I've a lot more in mind for the future. So this ain't the end yet... Stay tuned!

Be sure to tell your family, friends, or whoever you think needs to know about the content of this book, about how it might just change the person you are. You can always comment your thoughts, positive or negative, in the comments section too...

Folks and comrades, take care with all heart. I hope that you enjoyed Firefly, and perhaps interested to see what I have in mind... Take care, and have a wonderful day! - MS

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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