Freedom over Oppression

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Hey guys, this was the first poem I ever wrote. Based on valour and unity, my favourite attributes of a poem.

We are the pioneers of our imagination,
Yet thoughts corrupt our beloved nation,
Soul after soul, thoughts after thought,
All are cocooned, and fates' crystallise,
But for when all are to realise,
That all is not for nought.

Hope lost far beyond the veil,
Overcome by darkness and shadows,
Wanderers of time, lurking nigh sail, Family and friends turned to foes.

But for a valiant heart to take flight,
Finding the true nature of the element,
Will unite the fallen and gallantly fight,
With a will to show what's really meant.

This zealous knight of order and unity,
This Liberator of the ravaged world,
A spark of idea, purifing our calamity,
Undoing all malevolence unfurled.

Here, we stand together as one,
Ready to do what's need to be done.

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