That Beautiful You

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   Sometimes, I'm just a guy, kicking it back.
The guy just sitting on old haystack...

   Maybe a guy just doing nothing but that,
Kicking up sand from some old farmland.
But girl, when I walk up to you,
Well yeah, you change all that...

   Here we're going right along,
Gonna be amazing, because I know,
That you're the person I wouldn't want more...

   I gaze right into you, beautiful.
It's like I'm invisible.
Girl, we're invincible.
It's all so magical...

   I'd just stand right there and smile,
Thinking about us going sky high.
You're right beside me,
Whenever I see,
That amazing you...

   Wherever I see,
That beautiful you...

   Hey ho, mates! Haven't published in a fair while due to school and stuff, terribly sorry I must say...
   The month of fall, August, has come to a jolly end. And with that, September has opened its gates of school, climate change, and of course, more hysterical political quarrelling... Tragic I tell you...
   That aside, it ain't stopping us from doing what we truly adore. Perhaps writing, reading books or comics, playing sports or even an instrument, listening to our favourite songs and melodies, watching your personal preferences, the list is endless; only things you need are simply dedication, will, and optimism. I highly stress on the "optimism" part, for most of the times when we fail, we just end up giving up on it. So we should rather keep going and hope for the best...
   Now, to say about this poem; well, it's a romance and a shorter variant to its counterparts. A tad bit like how you see this 'sparkle' in someone, and you know that he/she could just be the one. And it ain't matter what he/she wears, goes, or anything... you just know he/she is a dream come alive. Obviously, you just ain't to cover that smile of yours when you see him/her. Cause you've just found your miracle...
   People, if you liked, learned from, or enjoyed this piece; tap or click that orange star. Don't be so timid to express your thoughts and notions; elaborate them in the commentary box or personal message me. Share this with your comrades and family if you wish. And, of course, follow for more shenanigans.
   Cheers, folks. And good day! - MS


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