Head's Up

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   Everyday... we see something crazy and awesome in our lives. And we, obviously, just want to be there and enjoy the moment. It's a pretty fairly enough rightful and enjoyable thing to do. It could be somewhere, something, or someone (of course).
   What people get carried away with, is that they tend to bring some kinda '3rd party' to help them live or remember the moment. The very universal example of this would be a camera or...your phone, perhaps. There is one more very common one; though it is something underrated and is pretty unnoticed often, and it is a personal or rather internally present in one's mind. That, my fair ladies and gentlemen, is the occurrence of another thought...

   It's such a simple matter, but is, in fact, one of the most expressive features on yourself whilst "living the moment". Thoughts such as "Does she/he like me?", "Will I ever be able to come back to this place?", or even those "If" questions and conditional statements.
   Try to avoid those as much as possible, it takes a fair while but will be profitable in time. The thing is, with these kind of questions, they present to be a mean of a distraction or sort of an interference to what you perceive. Just live it; whatever happens... has just gotta happen, yeah? It all happens for the best... Just know that don't let small, doubtful questions that you've been asking yourself change the way who you are and want to be. Thoughts may be our future ahead, but can also become our downfall of dread. Control them. And never forget that there will always be a path of destiny, honour, and benevolence to traverse in life.

   So keep your head up, your posture upright, illuminate that awesome smile, and keep dreaming. We can always find a way to make up past mistakes, to redeem our happiness and hope. And don't let a camera get in the way of interrupting a special moment; those moments... they'll forever be with you.

   Aye, mates! Just a miniscule thing in our daily lives I covered here. Small stuff, but mandatory nonetheless. Live the person who you simply are, let none misguide nor lead you wrongly to inconvenience and insolence. We all got our stories to tell, and what's a story without a piece of action by yourself, right?
   Well that's my queue for t'day, folks. If you enjoyed, learned something, or found it intriguing; hit that orange star! Tell your mates and comrades about the page if you want to spread the word. Cheers, mates! - MS

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