46. The Aqueduct to Being an Adult

Start from the beginning

I then purposely made my voice slightly high pitched and moany as I sounded like a perfect candidate for Kaitlyn's entourage. "Hey, im looking for an incredibly short male, most preferably feminine, and would like to totes help me move in to my new apartment." I ended.

He quickly answered back. "That's the closest you'll ever sound as a Von Gucci. But I'm down to help!" He laughed again. "Wait but what about that weird girl that always flirts with me?"

I shrugged as I laid my phone against my shoulder, proceeding to eat. "I don't know, just say you like the D more than the V?"

"Ugh, the struggles of being hot." He joked, making me roll my eyes. "Am I right?"

I stuffed my mouth with pancakes. "Oh totally! You have like guys and girls coming at you from every direction." I closed my eyes at the taste of the heavenly pancake.

"Should I call any of the guys to help?" I winced at his suggestion.

"Ew no. They're not gonna get anything done." I quietly thought about who I should call. "I would call Savannah, but I know her and Kai are probably hanging out and I don't wanna ruin that by forcing them to help me, I don't know."

"What about your brothers?" He requested, making me quiet.

"Here I'll try to ask Tanner, Alec went to the groceries with my mom. Call Savannah if she wants to come with and i'll call you back." I put down my phone as I proceeded to walk back down, hopeful that Tanner will agree to help me move my stuff to my apartment.

All 3 of them were surprisingly quiet as they ate, making it a bit more awkward as I began to talk. "Tanner do you think you can help me move some stuff into my apartment today?"

All 3 of them quickly looked at me. "A-apartment?" Tanner furrowed his eyebrows at me. "You're moving out?" His voice subtly confused.

"Yea. I guess I'm an adult now." Their eyes continued to stab me as I waited for Tanner's response.

"O-okay." He slowly turned back around, his eyes still widened. "I'll go get ready I guess."

"Can I come?" Belial questioned, tilting his head at me.

"I mean if you're willing to help, why no-" He quickly interrupted me.

"In you?" He added, immediately making me roll my eyes as he laughed. "I'm just joking panda, I'm down to help you." He winked.

Tanner's voice appeared again. "Did you wanna bring Azazel too?" Belial and Tanner mischievously looked at each other as I watched Azazel's cheeks burn.

"Did you want to come?" I threw Azazel a small smile as I asked.

My eyes met with Azazel, watching him as his reddened cheeks were filled with pancakes.

Belial mocked me as he tried to copy my voice. "Inside me daddy?" Making me flip him off as Belial and Tanner laughed like children.

"Yea, sure." Azazel softly answered as he swallowed, ignoring the other two boys.

"Okay, get ready guys! We have to go like right now, Trevor and Savannah might also come." Tanner groaned as I ended my sentence.

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