Chapter Twenty

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       " I believe."

            Nothing. No shadow, no extraordinary rush of adrenaline. Nothing. Just the quiet sounds of singing crickets. The icy crisp air nipped slyly at my cheeks. The room itself turned bitterly cold. Frost began to creeping along the edges of the windows glass, the floor and walls became slick with ice. The area around my bare feet sprouted icicles. I starred hopefully out of the window, waiting for even the smallest sign of a shadow in the dark cover of the night.

Around me snow flakes begin to swirl wildly. As much as I wanted to believe that he was going come for me, deep inside I knew that he wasn't coming. I knew that he was probably training with the boys at this very moment like nothing had ever happened. He probably has already forgotten about me. I was just another game, another challenge for him to win. Even though it seems like I have won our little game, here I am basically begging on my knees to return to the place I had so desperately yearned to leave just proving that he as won. It's like they say,"Peter Pan never fails".

Tears slip quickly from my eyes, as a quiet sob escapes my mouth. The storm around me rages on turning everything cold and frozen. My knees give out, which sends me crumbling to the ground. Pain suddenly erupts inside of my chest making me gasp for air. A light blue light surrounded me. My adrenaline jumped as I feel my power rage uncontrollably around me.

My tears turned into frozen droplets, my brown hair was stiff with frost, my green eyes reflected a toxic blue in the windows glass. My heart gave a tight, painful squeeze as if it was like I could feel it slowly freezing as well. I loved him. I still love him, but I hurt him, all of them. I kicked him when he was down, and I liked it. Now, he's gone, and he's not ever coming back. I had fallen for my mothers tricks. She saw her opportunity and she took it, and I took the bait without a second thought. I should have known that it was a bit strange how she randomly washes up on Neverlands shores with a, " sickness," that only I could heal? Had I really been that desperate for an escape?

"Willow!" my heart dropped as the familiar voice echoes in my ears. My eyes dart to the shadowy figure floating in the window. I leaped up, slipping on the iced floor, but recovering quickly, " Shadow you came," I smiled relieved but a scowl still greeted his face, " please take me back." I begged. Shadow gave me a confused look, " I have to see Peter -." I was cut off by shadow, "But Peters here," I starred blankly at him, " you didn't know? He followed you to the beach, but you had already left. Ravenna's guards stopped him and rounded up all the lost boys, then chained them up and brought them here. She's going to have them executed tomorrow morning for "kidnapping the lost princess". " I gasped, horrified. " Why didn't he fight back?" I cried out, " Because of you Willow," I froze, " when you told Pan that you didn't love him something inside of him snapped, like literally a part of him quit working." I covered my mouth with my hand and shook my head in disbelief, " His magic," Shadow nodded, " where are they?" An image appeared before me, it was a picture of Peter and the lost boys locked in a dirty cell. The dungeon, of course! I grabbed my sword, placed my boots on, and finally tied a forest green cloak around my neck and set the hood up, hiding my hair and face.

I raced down to the dungeons as quickly as I could. Just as I reached the door I spotted a larger man slumped into a rotting chair. I remembered a lesson Peter had once taught me. I focused on the Old English Oak door, I began to imagine what the was hiding behind the door, my eyes slipped closed then the next thing I knew I stood on the other side of the door. I huffed proudly at myself and continued on my journey. I sensed a presence as I rounded another corner, " Stop! You there, show yourself." A young yet powerful voice called at me. I turned and immediately noticed Peter and the lost boys in the cell behind the calling guard. A few of them perked their ears up thirsty for some kind of drama to arise.

I pulled my sword out and smiled evilly, I focused and closed my eyes, " Boo," I whisper into the back of the unprepared guard. " You Wit-." I rudely cut him off by plunging my sword deeply into him. I hear some of the lost boys began to up rise. "Who are you and what do you want?" A strong voice that made my knees weak spoke. I sighed and raised my hand, pulling my hood down. A few boys gasped, some sneered, and Peter starred wide eyed at me.

" Willow? Is it really you?" He questioned quietly, I nodded and reached my hand through the bars and grabbed his, " It's really me." His eyes softened, and his hand engulfed mine. " Peter I'm so sorr-," " I know it wasn't your fault, it was your mothers." I sighed in relief and quickly unlocked the cell.

I was instantly engulfed by strong arms. He sighed and cradled my face, " What are you doing here Willow?" I slightly teared up, " She was going to kill you Peter. I-" I starred helplessly into his eyes. " I love you Peter, and if you die I die with you I cannot live in a world where you are not be my side." A soft yet passionate kissed lands on my lips and I melt, all the ice that frozen me, melt just with a kiss. The faint sound of marching armor tickles my ears.

" Ravenna, she knows that I know what she's done. She'll for sure kill all of you if she catches you!" I quickly flick my wrist and a large green portal appears. Neverland. " Aren't you coming with us?" One of the younger boys asked when he notices that I am not preparing myself to jump into the giant portal. The older boys seemed to understand and hung their heads down. I sighed sadly, " No dear, I'm not." I tried to hold onto my tears that were begging to escape. " B-But why?" He stuttered, " Well, I have to grow up now, and I can't grow up if I go back with you." I look up at Peter who was starring down at his boots. "No! You don't have to, Peter can save you. Right Peter?" The small boy moved his teary gaze to a saddened Peter, " I-I wish I could." A small tear escaped his eye, but he wiped it away before anyone else could see it. The boy burst into tears and hugged me tightly, " Please don't grow up!" I let my own tears fall now. I kiss his forehead lightly, " I'll always be with you," I look at all of the boys, " all of you. But only if you believe. Understand?" They all nod.

The lost boys all wave one last time to me before jumping into the portal as I watched, and made sure I remembered every last one of them. Felix, Tommy, Tootles, all of them. Until only my dear Peter Pan was left. I turn to him, but he does not meet my eyes. I exhale and grab his chin, pulling him to look me in the eyes. Tears stained his cheek and his eyes were bloodshot. Just the mere sight broke my heart, I kissed his tears away as he had done to mine several times before. " Please Willow, come back. I can protect you." He sobbed, " I can't. She'd come to Neverland to retrieve me and possibly hurt you or the lost boys in the process. And I can't have that.. I won't have it." He quickly pulled me into a kiss, holding me so tight that I thought he wouldn't let go, and I didn't want him too, he was the glue for all of my broken pieces. He was the only thing holding me together. " I love you, my brave lost girl." I smiled as he caressed my cheek, " And I you, my lost boy," he kissed me again, but this time slower and more savory. My hands roamed his body, memorizing every muscle. I held his hand and kissed each finger, his hands callused from centuries of fighting, and surviving. Lastly I memorized his face, I gently rubbed both my forefingers across his eyebrows, making him raise them and give me a goofy look. We both quietly laughed. Then I starred into his green eyes, that are always filled with mischief. I remember how small he used to could make me feel with just a small glance. How watchful they were when I first arrived in Neverland.

My eyes drifted down to his pink lips. Images of Peter and I kissing flash through my mind, from our first to our last one in Neverland, right before I left him. Peters smug remarks and snappy comebacks echoed in the back of my head. Tears began to flow freely down my cheeks. He'll be gone soon and I won't be able to see his beautiful eyes, or hear his sarcastic remarks to me and the boys, or feel his lips against mine ever again.

" Never forget me Willow," He begged. The tears streamed down my face. I slightly pressed my lips to his forehead. " Never," I paused, " But I won't be the one forgetting." He pulled back looking confused. Then a blue haze draped over his eyes like a curtain. I poorly held in my sobs as I pushed my love, my life, my lost boy Peter Pan into the swirling portal.

He wouldn't remember me, neither would any of the lost boys. They would truly be safe now. As soon as the portal closed I pulled out my sword Peter had given to me so long ago, and charged to where I heard my mothers guards approaching.

I fought hard and fierce, I had gone halfway through the men when I saw my mother with a scowl edged into her face. She appeared beside me, taking me off guard and blew a purple dust into my face whispering, " Mommy' got you." The I collapsed into darkness.

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