Chapter: Thirteen

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   Picture of Tommy above ^^
" Out of bed sleepy head."  A light kiss on my cheek wakes me from a dreamless sleep. 
      Above me stands Peter smiling down at me. His green eyes bright and carefree.
I can't help but smile at how happy he looks. " Morning, my love." He whispers down at me.
" Good morning Peter."
Peter offers his hand to me and I gladly except. " So lost girl, what do you want to do to day? ManHunt? Oh! I know what about... Swimming." He smirks playfully at the last word now the answer.
I viscously shake my head no. " Oh no. No. No.No. Way to many bad experiences with Neverlands waters, I think I'll pass." Peter busts into a fit of laughter.
" Okay if not swimming? Then what do you say we do today?"
I tap my forefinger to my chin thinking.
" I say we do-" I stop mid-sentence from a heavy build in my chest. As if someone had set a stack of bricks upon my chest.
Judging by Peters' short unsteady breath's he had felt it to, but handled the pressure better then I did.
" Peter, what just-"
" Someone just enter Neverland."
His voice completely serious, no playfulness left in his eyes.
He began a to leave the tent and process towards the forest. Being a curious girl I follow him.
" Do all the lost boys feel it to?"
He looks at me confused. " Feel what?"
" When someone enters Neverland?"
This makes Peter stop dead in his tracks causing me to ram into his back.
" What did you say?"
" Do all the boys feel it when someone new enters Neverland, like you and I?"
He shook his head at me.
" You didn't feel anything."
" But I did! It felt like someone had set a ton of bricks on my che-"
" Coincidence. Nothing more." He demanded.
I roll my eyes frustrated and mumble a quiet " Whatever."
     We walked in silence until we came upon the same beach where I had washed up on when I first arrived in Neverland. Even though in reality it has been probably a few months it feels like years since I jump from my fathers ship into the raging ocean. It's quite funny that for a place that supposedly is timeless, the days seem to fly by.
     " I don't understand.... He should be here.." Peters says clearly frustrated.
   " He's probably-" My ears perk at a faint sound. "Did you hear that?" I ask Peter.
     " I don't hear anything." He shrugs.
I follow the sound of faint crying until I'm lead to a hollowed out tree.
    I drop to my knees and crawl to the small opening of the tree.
    Inside sat a small toddler no older than five. He sat in a fetal position with his head between his knees crying.
         The sound of a twig snapping makes the little boys head shoot up and  notice me for the first time. I turn my head to find Peter sneaking "quietly" towards me. An apologetic look on his face. I sigh loudly and roll my eyes at him. I turn back to the little boy who is now shaking with fear.
     " Shh.. It's alright. Calm down we aren't going to hurt, why don't you come on out of there?"   The boy looks skeptically at me.
        " You p-pwomise?" I nod my head.
      " Yes I promise."
I smile as the little boy crawls out the the tree. Pieces of wood stick out of his brown curly hair.
      I instinctively reach out and pluck the pieces out of his wild hair.
    " What's your name?"
   " T-Tobias." He squeaks.
      " May I call you Tommy?" He nods
   " Well Tommy why were you crying? Are you hurt?"
  The boy shakes his head. " I'm scared."
    My heart swelled at the boy. Call it weakness, feminine nature or whatever you want but I knew that I would do what ever it takes to take care of this toddler.
       I bent down and picked him up, balancing him on my hip. "You have nothing to fear, you're safe now."
    Tommy lays his head on my shoulder.
     I turn my head towards Peter who is zoned out, completely absorbed in his own thoughts.
    " Hey Peter." I beckon to him quickly. He shakes his thoughts away Stares at me confused.
    I tilt my head in  the direction of camp. Catching my hint he nods as we make our way back to camp.
      Sometime during our walk back Tommy had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Leaving a uncomfortable silence between Peter and I.
      " You're very good with children I see." Peter Rubs the back of his neck nervously. I laugh at his awkwardness.
     " That I am." I agree smiling.
But my smile turns into a deep frown. I cradle Tommy in my arms like a new born and gently stroke his hair.
       " He is too young, Peter. "  I look up at a sadden Peter.  " He should be with a family. He should have a whole village of friend to play with. He had his whole life ahead of him."  Tears welled in my eyes.
      " I know but his mother was beaten to death by his father, who afterwards killed himself.  All this pain happened before Tommys' eyes. You're right he should have been happy, should have grown up and fallen in love, but that's the thing about life. It takes the will's and turns them into won't's.  We are is best shot at happiness, Willow. We're his family now." Peter gazes down at the sleeping boy with sad eyes. And at that moment I understood why Peter does what he does, it isn't just for the sake of being evil and keeping his reputation up by "stealing" young unloved boys in the middle of the night, it was because he knew how cold and unloving the real world could be, so he created a land for the lost ones, a second chance at happiness. At a happy ending.
        Most would say that villains do not get happy endings. But are bound six feet under by the fairytale heroes.   But see that's where most are wrong. Neverland, and the lost boys are Peters happy ending. They are what makes him Peter Pan, without them he would just be a lost boy with a lot of anger issues.
        When we returned to camp Peter introduced the newest member of the lost ones and we celebrated until the wee hours. Tommy seemed to mesh perfectly with the younger boys especially the twins. 
      After a few more hours I noticed Tommy beginning to dose off on a near by log.  I laugh softly as a pick him up and carry him to the younger boys tent.
    " Will you sing be a bed time song. Please?" I am taken back by the child, but my nerves calm and I smile down at him.
        "I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window darling
Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby
Even when the music's gone

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound...

Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh oh oh." I kissed the sleeping child forehead and exited that tent.
     I was surprised to see all of the once dancing boys scurrying around camp gathering bows, arrows, daggers, and swords. In the middle stood Peter barking orders out.
       " Peter! What's going on? What happened?"  I looked up slightly.
    His eyes dark and serious. " Someone as trespassed onto the island." He stop. I released my breath that I didn't even realize I was holding.
    It was probably some lost sailors are pirates wanting to start a fight. Nothing we couldn't handle easily.  But Peter did not seem relaxed but tensed and worried.
     " A magical being."

Sorry long update! Minor writers block.....

Song: Safe and sound ~ Taylor Swift🎶

Xoxo ~ yourstrulyPS

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