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         " Okay do you see that small puddle of there?"  I nod. "I want you to control its water. Feel its weight, as if you were holding it within your palm."
I concentrate directly on the puddle in front of me, zoning everything out, finally feeling a cool rush on energy rush through my veins I breath deeply and raise my hand outward in a cupped form. Soon enough the nearly overwhelming pressure begins to push again my outstretched hand, causing it to slightly shake. With all the force I have lift in me I left the invisible weight off of me, noticing as I did the water shot up and formed a circle mid-air. I smiled successfully and easily waving my hand around doing with the now controlled water what I wish.
The small vibrations within my chest alert me that somebody is approaching; a trick I picked up from Peter Pan himself. Even though he didn't like the idea that he could no longer stalk me without me knowing.
I wait until the unknown person entered the clearing then I quickly swiped my hand through the air, sending the water soaring towards them. I wait until I heard the satisfying splash and various curses that follow until I turn and face my victim.
Alex. 12 years old his hair jet black and slightly spiked up. His eyes showed youth and innocence, but those grey eyes of his showed so much pain and hate in them, to much for someone his age. He was one of our newest recruits. He lived with his older sister and her husband, who would beat him to a pulp every single day for a year after he moved in with them when both his parents unexplainably disappeared one day, some village people said that they saw them wondering aimlessly into the forest one night, but nobody knows for sure what happened.

Alex was only 11 at the time. His sister blamed him. Said that it was his fault that they were dirt poor and ran away together. Someday's she'd join in on beating on him. When Peter first found him his breathing was slow, half dead. They had hauled him off to the forest at night and left him there for dead. When he first arrived he didn't talk to ANYBODY not even Peter. For awhile we all thought he was mute, but like all the lost boys did he adapted.

" Dammit Willow! That's was freezing!" He shouted as he hugged himself.
My smile dropped but the teasing in my eyes didn't. " Watch your language young man!" I finger shamed him, but ended up laughing through my act.
He rolled his eyes at me " Pan said its time for dinner and to come get you and... Her." He slightly scowled at my mother. It's been two weeks since she came here, we were going to send her back the day after she arrived, but she insisted that she should teach me how to control my powers. Of course Peter argued that he could handle me himself, but failed to uphold that statement after attempting to teach me how to make an object appear out of thin air when I almost knocked him out with one of the logs. So until I have been taught the basics of my magic my mother stays in Neverland.
I could tell none of the boys like her, even the younger ones who accepted everybody. They whispered about rumors they had heard of her, or straight up didn't trust her or her magic. Peter for sure hasn't been a happy camper with her still her. I barley even see him now, only for meals or if I get a day off, but it's never like actually seeing each other. He's always running off with Felix. One time I overheard him talking to Felix about something called the truest believer, and something else called the Purest? Whatever they are they must be important because I have a feeling that's the only thing Peter cares about anymore.
Peter and I aren't the same as we use to be, we've drifted apart. Our special moments where we would sneak off into the forest and have a heart to heart conversation, our passionate kisses, or quick flirty glances at each other are gone. I'm not even really sure how I feel anymore. Peter wasn't the same as he use to be, not as playful, not as happy. The boys feel the same way, with Peter gone all day nobody does anything besides train, cook, build weapons, and occasionally build another tent. Life was becoming very routine.
There he sat on his usual log right beside the fire which was casting an devilish shadow across his wickedly attractive face. His eyes never acknowledged me as I approached him, they continued starring into the firey flames with a mixed look. As if he was thinking over something.

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