Chapter: Fifteen

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"Michael! How is she? Is the infection worse? What is it?" I ramble as I quickly walk into the tent. Inside lay the woman . Strangely I can't explain why I feel this way, I just know that I do, that's all.

" I've never seen anything like this. All the usual cures aren't working. In fact I think they are making it worse. What ever weapon that did this wasn't poisoned, it had to be enchanted by some extremely powerful person. Possibly even more powerful than Pan." Michael examined the wound once again.

I knew that the only thing here on Neverland that could safe her was the springs water, but I bet Peter doesn't want this woman stuck on the island forever. I sigh looking down in defeat.

" How long does she have left?" His shakes his head.

"Hours, possibly minutes." I nod my head looking at the sleeping woman laying in her death bed.

" I will let you have a minute by yourself, you seem to have known this woman." He patted my shoulder sadly.

" Maybe in another life." I watch as Michael leaves silently.

" I was beginning to think he would never leave." A faint laugh makes me quickly look back at the woman, who is fully awake. I look down at my hands preparing myself to break the news at she will not live to see tomorrows sunlight. "I- You-.." I try but fail.

" I know that none of Neverlands medicines will cure me, but there is a cure." Her voice slightly stronger.

My eyebrows shoot up my forehead. "What is it?"

"More like who is it." My eyes widen in surprise.

" Who" My voice cracks slightly. The woman chuckled at my expression.

With a shaking hand she points her index finger at the middle of my chest. " You, Victoria you are the cure. Your magic is the only thing that can rip me from deaths firm grip. " I shake my head in denial.

"No you have to wrong person, I have no magic and my names not Victoria." I go to place my hand on her forehead, but she quickly snatched my wrist with her ice cold fingers holding it in a tight grip. " You are Victoria! You are my daughter! You were taken from me, you have to know the truth about who you are. My blood runs through your veins, my magic courses through you!" The woman's once dark eyes now a dangerous gold. My wrist began to tingle and soon followed the rest of my body, until gold smoke reach my eyes. "Wai-" But I'm cut off when I fall into a world of gold.

"Wait!" My voice comes out in echoes. The sickly woman no longer in front of me, looking around noticing I was no longer in Neverland. I stood in the middle of an abandoned hallway. Everything I look at has a sort of gold haze over in, as if I were rewatching a dream. The faint sound of music graced my ear from the deafening silence. Quietly I tip toe to a cracked open white door, slightly peaking inside. There sitting on a piano bench sat a grown man with a gold crown rested on his head. His hair deep brown,and a short brown beard smoothly grew upon his tanned face. Beside him sat a small girl no older than seven. Her hair the same brown as the man beside her but small curls framed the child's delicate face. I slip effortlessly into the room for a closer look.

From a closer perspective I could tell the child shared the same light green eye color as the man beside her, bearing her his child. The two continued to play their beautiful melody. Suddenly the little girl looked up right at me and smiled. "Come here." she beckoned me forward. I hesitantly took a step towards the two when I'm stopped by a voice. " Now what are you two goofballs doing?" A young fair hair woman dressed in gold walked right through me without a second look or anything, as if I wasn't there at all. When the beautiful woman turned her face I gasped. Its the woman, who sent me here! But younger. " Hey! Where am I? Why did you send me here, take me back!" I called to the woman, but she didn't even look up from the piano. " Hey are you even listening to me?!" I waved a hand in front of her face. " Oh Victoria, you are becoming quite the musician!" I froze. The woman had called me by that name right before she told me "I had to remember." Is any of this real, or is it a memory that has been lost. Or worse taken from me? I watch closely as a guard runs quickly into the room disturbing the classic music. " Queen Ravenna, the rebels they are here! They have almost broken through our gates, if they breach the gates the kingdom will fall!" Ravenna stood to her feet gabbing her child and looking to her husband with grief in her eyes.

" Ravenna take Victoria and flee the kingdom, go to our sister kingdom and tell them of the rebels attack and that we will need assistance. Understand?" The man ordered, all happiness gone from his face. " But what about you George? Our daughter can't grow up with a father, I can't live without you! I can help you, we can send a maid to take her." Ravenna bargained. The king scoffed at his wife. " Take our daughter to safety now. Go!" With that the queen and child fled out of the kingdom. In a flash I am standing under a old willow tree. At the bass of the tree sat the child and the queen in the distance was the buring kingdom they once called their home.

"Shh it is going to be okay, I promise. Do you trust mummy?" Ravenna questioned softly to the crying child. Victoria nodded with a sniffle. " Okay now I'm going to go help daddy fight off some very bad people , okay? Now look in to my eyes and promise me not to leave this willow." The child quietly promised her mother. I watch shocked as Ravenna makes her child gaze into her eyes as she erased her memory from the past seven years. Without even a goodbye the queen disappeared back to the burning castle.

Hours passes until a very familiar man creeps up on the child. " 'ello dear. Are 'ye lost?" The child shrugged not remember if she was or not. " Alright. Wheres 'ye parents?" Again no answer. The man sighed. " Do 'ye least have a name?" The girl eyed him with weary eyes. " What's your name first!" She demanded. The man chuckled lightly. " Captain, Captain Blackbeard." He bowed. The girl did know it was only fair if she told him her name, but she didn't even own name. Looking around for anything her eyes landed on the large willow tree behind her.

" Willow, my name is Willow."



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