Chapter: Twelve

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" P-Peter you killed him.."
Peter looked away from Lanes lifeless body and looked at me like he is noticing me for the first time. He sighs in relief and strides towards me.
" Peter what are you-"
I am cut off my Peter grabbing me and crashing his lips to mine. His mouth urgent, but not rough. He kissed me as if he hasn't seen me in years.
He pulls away and looks deeply into my eyes, he places both his hands on either sides of my face.
" God, when I awoke this morning you weren't beside me, and a note was in your place." " When I read it I completely lost it. I thought that I had lost you, forever. And because I couldn't make you happy. " " Then I heard your scream my name... I didn't really believe it was you at first." He kisses my cheek lightly. " If I ever lost you Willow, I don't think I could survive it. The mere thought of a life without my lost girl kills me a little every time a think of it. I-I-" I giggle and place my index finger to his lips.
" A life without you Peter Pan, would also be an unlivable one."
Desire forms in Peters eyes. His hands slowly make their way down to my hips and roughly pulls me to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, he then begins to lean into me, I meet him half way.
I kiss him hard as I can, putting as much emotion into the kiss as I can. Peter swipes his tongue across my bottom lip, but I deny him. A sharp sting hits my lip causing me to gasp. Peter quickly slips his tongue into my mouth. I can feel him smile triumphantly. He bit me, he freakin bit me.
His kisses leave my lips, but begin to travel to my jawline to my ear, and down my throat. He places a few love bites here and there, but I can't hold in my moan when he finds my sweet spot.
I lightly tug at his roots of his hair, earning a groan from him. He began a to push me backwards, but I don't run into a tree, or building, but a bed hits the back of my knees. I fall on my back, Peter following on top of me, but making sure not to squash me in the process.
He places a few more love bites on my sweet spot earning another soft moan from me, before he goes back to my lips. I arch my neck as he deepens the kiss.
I jump at the sudden feeling of a hand on my bare stomach. I quickly place my hand over his stopping him from going any farther up.
I pant heavily as a slowly sit up and look at him. He doesn't look angry, or disappointed, but he looks understanding.
" It's okay, love. I won't push you to do anything you dont want to do. I may not be the most well behaved boy in the island, but I do have respect." He says sitting up on the edge of the bed, putting on his shirt, which I never even realized had came off.
I shake my head. " It's not that I don't want to, but that I'm not ready."
Something sparked in his eyes.
" I will wait for you then, I always will." I nod. Crawling under the cover, Peter comes and lies under the covers with me. Our legs in a tangled mess has my head lay in his hard chest. I feel him play with the ends of my hair as I slowly drift of to sleep.
" Peter?"
" Yes, love?"
" Do you love me?" The words leave my mouth before I could think other wise. A deep blush of embarrassment rises up my neck to the cheeks.
" Yes, I Peter Pan love you, Willow Blackbeard. I love you, and I will  love you until I die, and if there is a life after death. I will love you then." My embarrassed blush is replace with an actual blush.
" I love you too." I whisper. I Feel Peter skip a breath. How strange.
" Go to sleep, my love." I nod as Peter kiss the top of my head. And I fall asleep to the rhythmic sound of his heart beat.
Thump Thump 
I'm hiding behind a tall oak tree, it's barks slightly digging itself into my back. My breathing hushed as it could possibly be, my pounding heart beat is the only thing I can hear. An arm from behind me reaches out and grabs my waist, pulling me to its owner, my back hits something hard, yet warm.
" Found you" Peter whispers against my  ear.
We have been playing hide and go seek for a few hours now.
I turned around facing Peter, he gazes deeply into my eyes and smiles softly. He pulls me closer to his body as possible. Something about him holding me felt right, like a puzzle.
" Peter."
My eyes dart from his lips back up to his eyes.
" Yes My Willow?"
I fill with desire.
" Kiss me."
" As you wish, my love"
My heart flutters at his words.

   He leans in,  till I can feel his breath on my lips.

Right before our lips connect I gasps loudly, a sharp pain swells in my stomach.
Peter pull back and examine me. I face twists up in pain. My nose begins to bleed and tears brimming my eyes.

" What's wrong Willow. Tell me what's wrong!" Urgency in his voice.

By now I have erupted in a fit of coughing, blood splattering the green grass blades below me.
My heart has stopped and my  tears stream down my face, out of fear and confusion.
My knees give out on me, I collapse in a heap , but two strong arms quickly catch me before I hit the ground. Tears stream down my face.
" Save me , Peter."
Suddenly I'm flashed out of Neverland into a throne room filled with people. I look around curiously. The room is decorated with flowers and white ribbons.
" Hello my dear."
Says a woman in front of me.
       Even though she wore a smile on her face, her eyes hold much pain and hatred. The crown on top of her head proved her a queen.
      Beside her stood a tall, dark haired man. A short newly cut beard on his attractive face. His eyes looked deeply at me, a wanting hidden inside them. Thats when I noticed the priest behind both of them.
I look down at my attire my, heart pounding and my stomachs turning in panic. I wore a large white wedding gown, with a white veil falling over my face.
I began to hyperventilate, the crowd around me disappears, I'm left alone with the woman and man.
The woman produced a knife. I begin to back away from her, but two strong hands grab my shoulders and hold me in place.
" Are you ready, wife?" The man whispered into my ear.
I thrash and scream as I'm pushed towards the armed woman.
" Just like your father, fighting right till the end."

I gasp loudly, my eyes taking my surroundings in. I was no long in the throne room, or Neverlands woods, but in Peters safe, warm bed. I wipe the sweat from my brow and lie my head back on the pillow, calming my breaths.
" Willow, love what's wrong?" Peters voice heavy with sleep. I turn to look at him. His eyes barely opened, but I can still see the toxic glow of his irises.
" Nothing, uh- just a bad dream that's all..." I smile softly at him.
Peter leans in and kisses my forehead, then envelopes me in a safe hold. I snuggle into his chest as he snuggles into my neck.
" It's alright love, I'm right here, and as long as I'm here nobody will ever harm you. Ever." Even though he is half asleep  I can hear the dark warning behind his words. I knew that he meant it, and for once I wasn't scared, in fact I blushed a bit. Then I remember that he said he love me, and I turned Crimson.
I assume Peter noticed because I felt him chuckle and peck my warm checks.
Even though I trusted Peters words, a sick feeling stirred in my gut, something bad. Worst than pirates,vengeful sisters, or rogue Lost Boys. Something far worse. And it was close.

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