Chapter Two

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       My body shot awake, electricity running through my veins. My memory began to come back. Everything, my sister, father, my attempt at my own life. I stand up shaking the sand off of my cloths and take a look around. I was on an beach? How?

          A tall blonde haired boy with a club on his shoulder and a dark cloak covering his body walked out of the thick jungle.  He seemed to be 17-18 years old. By the way he carried himself I could tell he was calm,confident and cocky. And by his build he had the right to be cocky. His biceps were very large, and his long legs basically screamed speed.

" Welcome to Neverland, Willow BlackBeard." His voice deep and intimidating.


     What if James stories were true and this boy is a lost boy?

   I showed no emotion on my face. Like father use to say, even emotions are weapons against yourself.

"How do you know my name!" He chuckled.

" Pan will be happy to answer all of your questions." His humor dry.

" Pan? As in Peter Pan?" I pushed on. The boy only smirked and held out an guiding arm.

" Right this way, M'lady" I roll my eyes and swatted his arm away.

"Ow, a fiery one are we? This will be fun." His words creeped me out to the extreme.

       I kept my hand over the hilt of my sword. Just in case.  Hey my parent told me not to trust strangers..Especially armed ones.

The boy kept pushing at me, attempting to make me fall due to the roots. On instinct I flash out a small dagger and cut his cheek lightly as a warning.

" Push me again, and I swear it won't be a little nick on the cheek. Understand." He put his hands up in defense.

     The rest of the walk was silent, I could basically feel the holes in the back of my head, from the boys glares.

Finally we enter a clearing. A bonfire in the center, with logs surrounding the fire, several tents were set up around the clearing too. The middle one the largest.  Many boys danced around the fire like animals, to a very hypnotizing melody one of the boys was making with a pan flute. He danced around as well.   His face covered by a patched up cloak much like the other boys. The boy who brought me here push me onto a log near by.

I inched to kill him right here and now, but there were to many. The blonde boy must have noticed me frustration because he began to smile.

The pipers song suddenly stopped playing as well as the boys dancing.  I noticed the piper beginning to approach me. Up close I still couldn't see much, only toxic green eyes like the jungle around us.

"Who are you."

A beautiful yet dark chuckle came from beneath the hood. The boy pulled back the hood, and revealed a very handsome boy with chestnut hair, fair skin, his lips plump and pink. He gave me a dark smirk. Though the boy was beautiful, his had a dark soul, I could see it in his eyes.

"I am known by many names. Pied Piper,  The Green Eyed Monster, Shadow Man, The Devil himself. But I personally prefer Pan."

Shit, he's real.

" And this lovely lad is my right hand man Feli.... "Pan stopped and looked at his right hand mans' face.

" What the hell happened to you?" I almost burst out laughing as I waited for him to announce to his "buddies" that he got bested by a girl.

"Uh, well.. She" He scratched the back of his head.

"God Felix you let a girl best you?" Felix looked shamefully at his feet. Pan rolled his eyes and focused back on me.

"Since you know my name it's only fair for me to know your name, love." I scoffed at him.

" Don't act dumb Pan. You know who I am. You're the one who brought me here anyways." Like magic Pan teleported  me into a near by tree,he pressed a dagger into my throat has he leaned into my ear and whispered harshly.

"You will not disrespect me on my island do you understand me, you are on my island now, you will obey me."

His lips brush my ear ever so slightly it sent shivers down make back. I nodded slowly. Pan smirks a puts the dagger down, but doesn't move away.

" I take your word."

   I quietly slip a dagger into my hand without him noticing, I distract him by getting on my tiptoe so I could reach his ears, making sure my body pressed into his. He slightly bent his head down towards me lips. I playfully bite at his ear until I hear his breath hitch.

    " One thing you need to learn about me. Never take a pirates word." I whisper. Before he could react I flip us so now I have the dagger to his throat.

     Shock was written across his face. Pan tries to collect what had just happened. Then he smirked.

" You've got fire, I like fire." I scoffed at his remark and let him go.

" Alright boys! I want you to introduce yourself to our new lost girl!" Pan yelled. I gave him a questioning look from the side.

New lost girl? Does that mean that I'm not the only girl that has been here?

" I'm John" A tall fair haired boy called out, raising his hand. I nodded.

"Jasper" A strawberry blonde called, his skin pale in spite of our tropical surrounding.




After a while the names became muted to me, and I just nodded after they stopped talking. Pan seemed to notice this because he stopped the introduction and sent some boys to get more fire wood.

" What's the extra wood for? " I asked. He smirked down at me.

" A celebration."I raised my eyebrow.

"For.." At this he laughed.

" You of course! For our Lost Girl!"  

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