Chapter five

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I wake with the mornings first light due to old habits. I began to stretch my arm, my body stiff from laying in the soft bed?... Wait I didn't fell asleep here.

A soft groan beside me made my body go rigid and freeze in its stretching position. Slowly I turn my head towards the bed beside me, hoping it's not what I think it is.

  A peaceful sleeping Peter lays sprawled out beside me. His hair ruffled, and lightly brushing his closed eyes. My anger faltered at the sight of the boy.
He looked so innocent and peaceful. I never really noticed how beautiful he actually was, when I first met him I knew he was attractive. With his need for power and thirst for control made him 'The Forbidden Fruit of Neverland'. Many women back in England would have fallen at his feet and begged for him at first glance. Foolish people would see him as a god and praise him. Few would actually see through the disguise.
Growing up in a world full of trickery has made me immune to such beauty for it is an illusion.
   "Most villains often come with pretty faces." As father use to say.

I'm pulled from thought when my eyes meet bright emerald green ores.

" Don't you know it's rude to stare at someone, let alone that it's creepy when that someone is asleep?" My cheeks turn a deep crimson at realization that I was caught in action.

"Oh dear my, have I embarrassed Wittle Willow?"
I hit him with one of the fur pillows and began to get up.

" Oh no you don't."

" Wha-"
A muscular arm slinks around waste and pulls me back to the bed, and worst of all.. back to my capture.

Peter flips me to where I am flat on my back. Before I could move his long legs were straddling my waist holding my wrists above my head. 
The smirk on his face made me squirm in his hold.


   His other hand began to tickle my sides and stomach without mercy.
       I kicked and struggled to get away from him, but did not laugh. Frustration was clear on his face.  After I make sure I have a steady voice I smirk.

"I'm not ticklish you moron."He sighed in defeat and rolled off of me.

" Clearly not."

   He patted my knee cap, not expecting the loud squeal to come from me.
He looks at me wide shocked eyes, mine equally as wide. I felt like a child who got caught lying .

Peters eyes soon narrowed down and he began to grin. I could see his hand slowly creeping closer to the weak spot.I swat it away quickly still frozen in my spot.


Peter lunges at me. I instinctively kicked him away and bolted out of the room.

            I run to camp and see a group of lost boys gathered around and unknown object.
   Then I see it it was never an object, but a body. A lost boys body.
As I get closer I see more more cuts and bruises, a thin red line of dried blood runs across the boys throat. He looked to be about fourteen, his black hair covered in blood, a small symbol was burned into his right cheek.

It looked awfully familiar, I crouch down and look closer at the sign. No.

  It was the side of a gold coin that had been burned into his face. It was a sign I knew all to well.

I hear the sound of Peters' voice demanding what had happened, but none of the boys answered because none knew.

    " Pirates."I stand and turn to look at a confused Peter Pan.

" What did you say?" He asked slowly approaching me.

"Pirates...This is a pirates doing." I said louder.Some of the boys pulled their weapons out and looked around.

"How can you be so sure?" He asked inspecting the body. I pointed out the burn.

" It's a signature."

" Whose?" His voice firm.

" I..I don't know." I stuttered.

Fear ran cold through my veins. I felt him grab my chin and pull it to where I was looking him right in the eye.

" I don't believe that." His voice low but full of force.I couldn't find my voice. Anger began to fill his eyes.

"WHO!!" He shouted standing up and glared down at my squatting body.I began to crawl back as he began to step closer to me.

" God dammit Willow tell me who!"

He grabbed me and stood me up." The Queens Revenge." I looked into his eyes fearful. They turned completely black with anger, I tried to push away from but his iron grip held strong. 

" Your ship." Though is eyes said different his voice was calm.

    The lost boys began to shout and argue.


  "Filthy whore of a spy! Ryan's dead because of you!"

" Traitor!"

" No!" I cry out desperate.  My panicked eyes shoot around watching has some boys point their weapons at me. Tear began to prick my eyes. I look  up at Peter with pleading eyes.

   " Peter I swear to you I had nothing to do with this." I start to shake in his grip.

His eyes softened.

" I know."  I sigh in relief.

   "Boys! Gather your weapons we're going hunting. Pirate hunting."

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