Just Another Day

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Author's Note: Hi guys! Sorry if It took me awhile again to post this chapter but hey it's here!:D. Hope you enjoy this. Thank you!

Please keep supporting this book guys. Love y'all!:D

Caution: Not yet edited


Mornings are hard for me but waking up earlier than the alarm clock in a very cold morning where I am still snoozing on my wonderful bed covered in a warm and fuzzy comforter is way much harder.

"Oi sleepyhead wake up." Zeke started low. When I didn't react to him he started poking my exposed cheek and repeated his morning call. "Wake up Raisin, wake up." I just ignore him and continued my sleep. For a while, I thought he had given up on me since he stopped. Just when I thought I'll be enjoying an hour or so of sleep, he decided to jump on me and started to tickle me non stop. Well he never really jumped immediately but gave me a fast warning but I didn't hear it or I just refuse to hear it when he said "Raisin if you don't wake up immediately, you'll surely regret it. In a count of three. 1...2...3!" the rest is history. I was still panting on the floor after I manage to let go from his hold which lead me to where I am right now. My hair's a mess, my pajama top is almost open and a few sweat have break out.

"Risse, you're quite a rare sight to behold." Zeke said shaking his head and clearly enjoying his success of throwing me out of my bed. A few seconds more he threw my robe at my face and walked faster out of my room as if nothing happened.

After I fixed myself up, I put on my robe and went out of my room. The smell of brewed coffee wafts on my nose as I hear the song 'stand by me' vibrates through the speakers. I know Zeke is somewhere in the kitchen cause I can hear him singing also in time with the tune. When I reached the arc door to the kitchen, I checked if his back was still on me and when it is, I started to tiptoe towards him. With my hands in front of me ready to do the action and I was a few centimeters away that my heart is pounding to much with excitement he turned around bent his knees and carried me on his shoulder like i'm a sack of potato. I, of course immediately squealed from the sudden turn of events.

"Put me down, Zeke!"

"Not gonna do Missy. Were you about to scare the shit out of me? Too bad huh, I have felt your presence even before I saw your reflection in the stainless bowl." then Zeke started to chuckle and spanked my ass as he round the kitchen bar.

"Hey! Stop it. Pervert!" I said making him laugh even more. After a while of squirming and negotiating he put me down on my toes.

"Okay what do you want me to do?"

"help me cook our breakfast." he smiled the biggest smile and make himself a little too cute. Oh wait the last part is already a given.

I prepared the batter for the pancake while he was frying the bacon and hotdogs. Once he caught me stealing glance at him making me blush profusely. He didn't say anything and just smiled at me.

At the table, we talked about his recent trip and the places in Singapore he visited and the things he did when he's not doing business.

"Oh speaking of which, I got you something."

"Ey, It can-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence coz he abruptly stand and rushed to his room.

"Here." He handed me a paper bag while his left hand massages the back of his neck. A mannerism of him whenever he's embarrassed or a bit shy.

"It's too much! Thank you." I opened the paper bag and there a beautiful doll wearing a costume was laying on top of what seems like a T-shirt.

"You like it?"

"Of course! The doll is very pretty. You really did bring me things from your trip huh. I thought you were just joking when you told me last night."

"So what happened to you when I was on my trip?"

I took a deep breath and gave him recalls on what happened to me while he was away. I told him about the projects that will be coming in a few months, i talked about my friends and lastly I talked about Raven. Which I noticed really caught his attention. At first he was just listening intently then when I told him that Raven and the arrogant man I was telling him about is just the same, he started to be somewhat irritated which i just ignored. It didn't help when I told him further that Raven and I just became jogging partners and jogs almost every night and ate dinner together.

"What?! Are you kidding me?!" he stopped me midway and I didn't get to finish my story. I knew at the back of my mind he would be mad at me for my actions but not this kind of mad. I was shocked when his voice came out as if he was shouting at me. This was the first time he used his loud voice at me and I didn't even know he has this side. My face might have reflected what I am feeling at that moment and he began to realized what he have done that his voice started to flutter and his entire face became worried and cautious. He forcefully leaned his back at the chair and immediately look up to the ceiling. Probably contemplating what he's going to say to me first. He made a huge sigh and look at me with both softness and sadness on his eyes and leaned his body forward and sighed again.

"Look... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. It's just that, I find your action very absurd, tactless, too trustful. Based on your story you didn't even know the man for pete's sake." He ran his hand on his curly hair.

"What were you thinking Risse? You even fell for his trap."

I can see the sadness and other emotion I can't tell in his eyes. My fear immediately vanished and wanted to assured him that he does not need to worry.

"Zeke please don't look at me that way. He didn't do anything to harm me. And plus I'm being careful too."

"You are just lucky that he's that kind of guy. What if he's different. What if he's just waiting for you to be too comfortable at him?"

"I don't think he's that kind of a guy." I told Zeke, but the uncertainty in my words is very obvious. Zeke's what "if's" crossed my mind and added to my own previous hidden fear that starting to unravel again. I have to stop myself or else my friendship with Raven will get affected and that's the last thing I wanted. I only have few male friends and having Raven is a breath of fresh air.


Thanks for reading!

To all the readers I'll try to make the next chapter more worth reading and more of Mr. Pierce and Risse moment!!!

see you in the next chapter guys. I'll try to upload soon:)

Please be patient with me.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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