Start of War

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Author's note: Meet Chelsea Hartell (Emma stone) picture above. Let's meet Risse' new friends and find out along the way if who among them are true to her and who will be the Judas. Stay tuned;-)

-Edited by @ReaderBunny


I was rooted to where I was standing when I heard the glass door located at my back open. The mailman was wishing someone a lovely day, that's what snapped me out of my thoughts to realize that I needed to get inside or I would be late. As he passed me on the way to the elevator, he nodded in my direction.

I pushed the glass door open and walked straight to the reception desk, where a smiling young and vibrant red haired lady was seated. I smiled back and gave her a nod.

"Good morning Ms. Ruane, I have your I.D." She said as she turned her chair around to open the upper drawer of a cabinet located on her right side.

"Here you go. Please carry it with you whenever you are at work. But you probably already knew that." she waved her hand as she softly laughed at what she said.

"Thanks, and please call me Risse, Ms. Ruane is too formal." I said smiling at her.

"Okay, Risse" she tested.

"Let's have a lunch later?" I ask.

I really like Chelsea. She's very friendly and seemed to be nice. Last week when I was seated at the white couch in front of the reception desk, waiting to be called for the final interview, she came to me and wished me good luck assuring me that everything's gonna be alright. From then on I have convinced myself if I get in, I will make sure we will be really good friends.

"Oh sure, I'll wait for you here. Oh by the way, Mr. Laurent is waiting for you at his office together with the other newbies." she winked and smiled her biggest smile.

I walked towards the door of Mr. Laurent's office where his name was plastered at the side: Mr. Charles Laurent, Creative Manager. I took a deep breath and released it fast as I knocked on the door.

"Come in." A distant voice said. I opened the door and entered his office.

Three pairs of eyes were looking at me with curiosity as I entered the room.

"Good Morning Sir, I'm Alarisse Ruane, one of your new junior art directors." I held my hand to him as he stood up and shook it.

"Ah, Ms. Ruane, please have a sit." Mr. Laurent pointed to an empty chair beside a young man who if I correctly remembered was named William. He glanced in my direction and smiled at me.

Mr. Laurent welcomed us all and started his speech immediately after I sat on the chair he pointed earlier. He seemed nice. He gave us tips on how to handle our work and the pressure which will surely build up in a few more weeks according to him. He also discussed both his and the company's expectation, as well as a few rules and regulation that the company implemented.

Mr. Laurent is in his mid thirties, he is married, and has two beautiful girls based on the picture frame at the shelf beside him. Throughout our meeting he didn't made us feel like we were inferior to him, he only stressed the important points we should remember but after that he would be smiling back at us.

The meeting was adjourned when he received a very important phone call from the overseas. But, he didn't let us leave immediately without Chelsea to show us around and to our own cubicles.

Collins Advertising Co. has its own conference room with any and all materials that could possible be needed during presentation, as well as a pantry room with cabinets filled with food supplies, a water dispenser, a microwave, a coffee maker and a small refrigerator which holds six containers of ice cream in different flavors. Each one of us has its own designated cubicle with its own computer, a table with an office chair, and two chairs in the front for visitors and clients.

After the tour, but before we were settled in our own cubicles, I got acquainted with the other two new junior advertising directors, William and Arielle. They were both nice, so when lunch time arrived I invited them both to eat with Chelsea and me.

We decided to walk a few blocks from the building to eat at a small diner named Uncle Shaw's Diner. The place was nice and decorated with memorabilia from movies from the past. On the far left corner, a jukebox entertained the diner since the mini stage beside it is unoccupied. The servers of Uncle Shaw's Diner wore signature costumes of famous actors and actresses.

We enjoyed the food and the company of each other, laughing at anything under the sun as if we knew each other for a very long time instead of just for a few hours. Chelsea gave us the juicy gossips from our department and a few from the others. She is full of life and positivity I swear it's oozing from her pores. William looks like the boy next door with his charming smile, tousled long hair, and witty comments ready to fire out of his mouth. Let us also not forget Arielle, the strawberry blonde vixen full of spunk and very outspoken.

Fifteen minutes before 1 o'clock, we arrived back at the building. We were getting out the elevator when I realized I had left my notebook at the diner, I told them to go ahead and rode the elevator down to the ground floor. I walked so fast that I looked like I was almost running. When I arrived at the diner, I was surprised that Mr. Hot Guy from the elevator was sitting comfortably next to the chair I had sat in. Worst of all, he was freaking reading my notebook!

What did I tell you girl, you should have left that notebook in your room at the condo but you didn't listen. Now suffer the consequences of your stubbornness...

You know I can't do that. It's the last gift Daddy gave me before he died...and I just...I just can't leave it far from me.

The notebook is not just an ordinary notebook. Aside from the fact it holds sentimental value, it also serves as my diary. It held all my thoughts and emotions that I would have told Daddy.

I was angry and embarrassed at the same time. I felt my ears turn red as my blood boiled. I didn't think twice before I snatched the notebook away from Mr. Hot Guy's hand. At first he was surprised from my action, but then when he realized it was me, the effin' jerk just smirked at me.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Ms. Ruane...I can't believe you still write in a diary up to now. What are you 6 years old?" he laughed at me.

"Who do you think you are? You have no right to just read anyone's notebook! Didn't your mother teach you that? Now who's the six year old!" I crossed my arms.

His eyes darken, his lips thinned, and his jaw clenched. Standing from his chair forcefully, he closed the space between us and stared hard at me for what felt like eternity. A surge of anger was visible in his blue eyes, it was so intense that it almost scared the shit out of me, but I refused to back down and matched his stare while my head was tilted upwards

He's a tall shit...

He tapped my shoulder and whispered, "Don't worry, I just scanned it." Then he walked past me only to stop a few feet away.

"Oh, by the way," his tone changed which caused me to look his way, "thanks for thinking I'm the most attractive-hot-looking-guy you've ever seen in your entire life." He smirked then went outside to where a black BMW was waiting on the curb.

I felt like my blood drained from my body when I heard him quote what I wrote earlier when I was describing him from when we were in the elevator earlier this morning.


See you in the next chapter:)

What do you think about the Diary? Is it childish? Can you see Emma Stone as Chelsea?




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