Lyndon's P.O.V (Part 1)

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Author's Note: THIS CHAPTER has been Edited. Thank you for your understanding!

Please keep supporting this book guys. Love y'all!:D

--edited by @ReaderBunny


"Hmm...This is tasty. How'd you know how to cook?" I asked as I took a bite of the juicy and sweet spicy flesh of the chicken thigh that had a hint of spices.

I never really expect Risse would fall for my request and I never really expect that she'll make dinner for us. This was the first time a woman, who was not Mathilda or Laura, cooked for me. I was expecting she'll take my offer to have dinner to a restaurant nearby but she insisted she'll just cook dinner and since it will just be a waste of money. She's unlike any girls that I know of and dated back then and even now and it feels great to know there is still someone like her. I am really intrigued at her and it become more when Cristal can't stop talking about her ever since she was accepted in their internship program. Of course I may have pulled some strings to put Cristal with the same group as Risse but her acceptance to the program is all her doing and I'm glad she was able to by her own self and doesn't need my help. Cristal doesn't know yet that the girl she's pushing to date me and the girl I'm fascinated with is just one and I don't have any plan of telling her because I know she'll make more effort of pushing us together and I don't want that. I also made Cristal promise that she will not disclose any information about me or our relation to anyone including her new set of friends which includes Risse. Only me, Cristal and the Chief creative director know about Cristal's relation with me.

"I love to cook and my mother and grandmother taught me a thing or two when I was in my teenage years and the rest is through cookbooks and the net. How 'bout you? I was really impressed when you were able to chop like that."

"Oh babe, there are things that you don't know I'm capable of that I'm sure you're going to be much impressed than chopping an onion." I smiled at her.

"Did you open the door to the balcony?" She suddenly asked a little bit irritated.

"No, Why?" I said confused.

"I think the air just suddenly got chilly with your remark. You really are full of yourself aren't you?"

I just laughed at how easily I could tick her off. If only she knew I was telling her the truth, then I know she'd understand what I'm saying easily.

"Do you also run around the neighborhood every night or is it just a one-time thing?" she suddenly asked.

"It is supposed to be just a one time thing... but I guess I have a reason now to do it every night instead of early in the morning." I winked at her which just earned me a disgusted look from her.

After we ate, I helped Risse clean our plates. At first she refuses to let me help her but I insisted. She washed the plates and utensils we used and I helped her wiped it off. I never knew this kind of activity is fun. She never run out of stories and she have one for every single thing I tell her.


"My grandfather hates anything that involves cooking and baking. One time when Grandma went out to the market and we were the only ones left in the house, I saw him rushed to the kitchen. After a while I checked on him, and saw that he was getting frustrated with the recipe book he was reading, and the countertop filled with flour, eggshells, and egg whites. It was a mess! When I asked him what he was doing, he said he wanted to prove to grandma that baking cookies was as easy as counting. In the end he wasn't able to prove it, so Grandma got mad at him when she found out."

"Why? What happened?"

"He wasted a lot of ingredients; having baked three to four trays of stone hard cookies that resembled jawbreaker versions of cookies. He gave me one, and my tooth fell off! Can you imagined that?" We both laugh.

"Oh I just remembered, you still have one question for me before it's my turn to ask you."

"Hmm.. You still remembered that?"

"O-of course! Until now I still don't know your name."

I laughed hard to how she said it. She is really full of life and I like the thought that she is real.

"Babe, all you have to do is ask."

"Can you please stop calling me that!"


"I'm not your 'babe'."


"Okay. So what do you want to know about me?" I can't help but to smile at how interesting the night is becoming.

"What's your name?"

It took me awhile to answer that one very simple question that for many is very easy but is what I'm afraid to tell anyone. My name that carries both luck and curse. Anyone who learns it immediately show their best garment and mask just to be on my good side. I don't want that from her. I don't want to put to waste what Risse and I have and will have in the future just because of my name. I wanna know the real her and not what she's not, but I don't want to lie to her.

"It's...Raven Piersen"

"Raven? Oh, what a nice name you have."

"Thank you, and so do you Miss Alarisse Ruane." I smiled at her.

"Do you work at one tower or near? I have seen you there a couple of times and around the vicinity already."

"I work at one tower I'm-"

"I knew it! You're one of those hot looking associate lawyers at the 38th floor that screams 'get out of my way or prepare to be eaten!'" She said in a deep voice making both of us laugh uncontrollably.

"That is a very judgemental remark. And did you just say I'm hot?"

I can't help but laugh again for this time Risse face became red and her eyes as big as a doe caught by headlight.

"You know what, I don't mind the last part of your remark as long as it's you I'll be eating. I winked at her and playfully licked my lower lip"

"Eww. Gross! What a savage."

"Hahaha! You were the one who said the word not I."

We continued chatting for an hour and decided to watch a movie. I just love how time flies when I'm with her. Next thing I know it's already midnight and Risse had started to doze off beside me. Cheetos and Lays' wrappers were scattered around the floor where we are seated. I stayed still for a while until Risse is already deep in sleep and then carried her to one of the rooms across the room where I saw her went inside earlier to change. After I tucked her in her bed, I took her to her room. The room smelled magnificent and perfectly neat. Everything is almost white with the exception of the pastel colored, wooden picture frame of varying sizes standing above the white wooden coffee table. I came closer and an emotion I can't describe hit me.


Thanks for reading!

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see you in the next chapter guys. I'll try to upload soon:)

Please be patient with me.



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