Secret Attraction

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Author's Note: Hey guys! As I promised the other day here's a chapter for you all. I hope you enjoy reading it:D . And for those who have waited for an update to this book, I'm sorry as in REALLY sorry. To make it up to you guys, I'll try to upload every week chapter/s to this book. Another thing, I have a surprise to all of you:D, I'll be changing the cover of this book to the one made by _ellipsism_. I hope you like it as well. 

 Please keep supporting this book guys. Love y'all!:D 

-Edited by @ReaderBunny


             We walked in silence to Zeke's place. He walked beside me while whistling a tune I can't figure out. I may seem calm but my mind is very distracted at the thought that we are walking together. He has such a very powerful aura at him even though he's just wearing a normal gym attire. I am scared to look at him for the fear that my skin might betray me and show what I was feeling. Even his sweat smells nice. Holy guacamole what the F is wrong with me? I feel irritated to myself and to him for making me weird.

"Can you please stop it? My ears are already bleeding." I complained to him.

"Someone's grumpy tonight."

" just suck at it."

He placed his right hand over his heart and feigned to be hurt. "Ouch, you're hurting my ego."

"Good! You should be thankful I'm putting up with you in the right place." I smiled at him too sweetly.

He didn't say anything after that and just smile at me. We arrived at the entrance of the condo where we are greeted by Chris, who opened the door for us.

"Welcome back Ms. Risse" he tipped his hat for me and smiled. He noticed the man I'm with but didn't say a word instead just acknowledged his presence too.

We rode the elevator up and walked to the hallway. I was still contemplating if bringing him to Zeke's place is a nice thing or a bad thing. What if he's a burglar? Yeah right a burglar who can afford nice clothes and a car which you don't have. Or... or what if he's a rapist? Rapist? Pfft. Don't be silly girl there are more girls prettier than you and much sexier like the one he's with in the restaurant. Or...I was lost in my thoughts I didn't noticed we walked past three doors after Zeke's unit. I stopped and Mr. mystery guy immediately halted his steps beside me.

"Are we here? Please don't tell me we are lost." Mr. mystery guy snickered.

I gave him a glare and turned began walking a little faster than normal to hide my embarrassment, mentally slapping myself for being absentmindedly.

I put in my key and opened the door and Mr. Mystery guy went inside immediately without even waiting for me to welcome him in. I closed the door without locking it just in case I needed to run outside, you know for security purposes. I turned around and found Mr. Mystery guy sitting on the couch comfortably clicking on the remote control.

"I was about to tell you to make yourself comfortable, but you beat me to it. I guess I need not to tell you that, you seem...very at home." I added hand gestures just to emphasize my point.

"Hahaha! there's no need for us to be too formal."

"Have you forgotten? We aren't close."

"Not yet Not. Yet. But will go there." He smirked at me.


"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He stood up and slowly walk towards where I'm at while looking at me intensely. His face is a breath away from mine now and the intensity of our surroundings immediately become heavy. We are standing eye to eye and I can't seem to breathe properly. My heartbeat became faster as if I did an extraneous exercise. What more my body seems glued to where I'm standing. Oh Dear Lord is this even possible? I slowly swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and close my eyes.

"Got ya!" He said suddenly. His entire expression changed to being playful and he can't stop laughing at me.

I covered his mouth with my hands and asked him to stop laughing since I got a neighbor with a newborn and they might hear us. He immediately stop and went to sat again on the couch. I placed my keys and my phone on the shelf fixed on the black stone wall.

"Hey What do you want to eat? Are you craving for something? Do you have any allergies I should know of?"

"Hmm. Allergies? not that I know of and for the food, Surprise me." he said then he smiled at me showing his dimple on the side of his mouth making me a little bit disoriented. Again. When he shook his head that's when the spell got broken. I tried to rectify the situation but it got more out of hand. Stupid tongue.

"Ah--yeah!!! yes, Just what i thought. Nice answer by the way." I skip to the kitchen immediately to stop myself to utter more nonsense in front of him and instead prepared the ingredients for the Jamaican-spiced chicken thighs I'll be cooking for our dinner and a bag of mix lettuce for our salad. I was halfway mixing the ingredients for the jamaican spiced chicken thighs just focused in doing the task at hand when I heard him talk.

"Do you need some help?" I was startled. My line of sight pointed to Mr. mystery guy sitting on one of the stool of the counter with a smile plastered on his beautiful face and with his knuckles supporting his chin.

"Can you please stop scaring me?"

"What? I didn't do anything for you to be scared. I'm just trying to help you." he snickered.

"Yeah right, well then since you asked can you please peel the onion and sliced it thinly for the salad?" I smiled to myself for I know the task would be difficu-- Damn. The sound of the knife chopping continuously to the chopping board made me stop from what I'm doing and just stood at my place staring at awe to how fast and skillful the hand of Mr. mystery guy chop perfectly thin onion without even shedding some tears. When he finished, he cleared his throat and smiled his cocky smile while sending a wink in my direction. Jerk. In response, I just stuck my tongue out and turned away to finish what I'm doing.

"What else do you want me to do? You know I can do it perfectly as perfect as I am." He winked again.

"Ha-ha was that supposed to be a joke? Is it my cue now to laugh?"

"Ouch! You don't think I'm perfect?" He said as he poses showing his muscles and abs to me while biting his lip and with an innocent facial expression.

I immediately covered my eyes and look away from him.

"Put down your shirt man" I said it many times as he get near me and tried to make me look at him. This time I can't help but to giggle.

"Okay stop!" I said still laughing.

"Say it Risse, Say it. I won't stop if you don't say it."

"Fine! Okay.. You are perfect!" I said and he stop and we both laugh. Our eyes met again and the strange air suddenly appears. I almost tip the bowl where I mixed the ingredients for the Jamaican spiced thighs making me distracted. He's the first one to move and lose our eye connection

"I'll just go and prepare the table. Where are the utensils and placemats?"

"It's in that drawer." I pointed the one near the counter to my left.

"Ah here it is." Mr. mystery guy arrange the table for us as I cook our food and mix the salad. When I was done cooking I prepared our plates with pre-served Jamaican -spiced thigh and a scoop of mashed potato. He then help me take the bowl of green salad in vinaigrette which I left in the counter. 

We sat down and I give thanks for our food. I was surprised when I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me with a smile on his face. I tried to ignore it and act normal but my heart keep beating faster than normal just like earlier Seriously what is happening to me?


Thanks for reading!

What do you think of this chapter? How bout the new cover? Let me know.

And see you in the next chapter guys. I'll try to upload soon:)

Please be patient with me.



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