Zemblanity or Serendipity

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Author's note: Meet Arielle (Deborah Ann Woll) picture above;-)

-Edited by @ReaderBunny


"Aaaargh! I hate him so much! No, erase that, I hate him to infinity!"

"Risse move on, it has been what? five days?" Arielle said while she was making her own coffee.

"Yep, and she had said that exact same line 52 times, while the 'I hate him' line--hmmm let's see...maybe 124 times. Take note that's only when she's with us." William answered with a playful glint in his eyes.

I glared at William causing him to raise his both hands in surrender while smiling.

"But seriously Risse, I don't know a guy who works here who have those characteristics you've described to us." Chelsea added.

I was brought back again to my encounter with Mr.HotGuy at Uncle Shaw's Diner. Back then, I was too stunned what that arrogant prick had just said that I wasn't able to move from where I was standing. When I realized what he just did, My skin turned much redder from too much embarrassment. I stomped my way out of the diner holding my diary with me while mouthing profanities that are of course directed to the man who ruined my day.

I paced the small pantry room while my left hand was on my waist and my right hand was covering my mouth. I was trying to put the puzzles together and was about to comment when Audrey, the intern, peeked her head at the door and told me Ms. Green, the assigned senior art director I'm under with, was looking for me. I excused myself from my new found friends and hurried myself to the idea room where she was seated to one of the office chairs.

"Ms. Ruane, come in." She said when she glanced on my direction.

"Is there something wrong Maam?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh don't worry everything's fine. I  just like to congratulate you for your hard work. Our client loved your idea! Just keep up the good work, okay?" she said smiling.

"Yes Maam!Thank you Maam!" I replied to her. I can't help the big smile that's forming on my face.

"Okay, you may work with your proposal for Johnsons' account. Make me proud girl." she said smiling and walked out the room.

At lunch time, we went to Subway across our building and ordered our sandwiches. After we ate our lunch we went back immediately to our building and busied ourselves with our work. The sky was starting to turn to its night time color when we packed our things and left the building. The four of us decided to eat our dinner at Pasta Gusto Ristorante, a newly opened Italian restaurant located at a corner two blocks away from the building. Chelsea heard a lot of praises for that restaurant,  she convinced us to eat there. With only laundry waiting when I get back in our condo, I decided to join the three of them.

Outside the restaurant there's a long line of walk-ins waiting to be seated. Its a good thing Chelsea already made reservations yesterday prior to asking us if we will come. In her defense, she said she knows we won't miss the opportunity to eat in a newly opened restaurant with good feed backs from its customers and its  becoming popular at various social networking sites.

Once we entered the restaurant, the aroma of herbs used as ingredients for the appetizing dishes wafts our nostrils. Waiters were carrying tray of foods and drinks, back and forth. Jazz music was playing at the background. The laughter of the people inside and the clinking of utensils made the place even more lively. The restaurant hostess saw us and greeted us. Chelsea gave her name and the good hostess ushered us to our table and seated us at a booth. I chose to seat near the aisle with Chelsea beside me and William in front of me. We went through our menus and picked our orders. A few minutes later a waiter came to our table and welcomed us. He introduced himself and finally asked our orders. After we gave him our choices he excused himself and went on his way to punched our orders.

The three of them were engaged in a conversation regarding some bollywood actor whom Arielle was crushing on. Since I can't relate to their topic, I just took that chance to take in the interior of the restaurant.

Inner walls were painted in bright yellow while the partition wall between the booths were darker yellow and was outlined by a black wood. The booths were placed on the left wall side of the restaurant and were slightly elevated. The bar with its wall full of different liquors on the other hand, was placed on the right side. Crystal wall sconces with warm light adorned each side of the square column and modern design chandeliers were hanging on the ceiling. At the center, dark wooden tables and chairs were strategically arranged for the easy access of the diners to all direction.  

"Hey Risse, are you listening?" Arielle asked.

"Uhmm... Sorry I didn't hear you. What is it again?"

"We're going clubbing later, are you coming with us?"

"ermm... I don't think--"

"Oh come on Risse, that would be fun. Just imagine all the hot steamy guys that will be swarming at you, ooh I can't wait for later." Chelsea said excitedly.

"Risse, don't think too much about it okay? I'm coming with you three, so you should not worry. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to the three of you." William said as he flexed his biceps in front of us and wiggled his eyebrows.

"You should go out sometimes, besides how would you find your man if you'd be sitting your ass in your sofa back in your place." Arielle added.

"okay, Okay fine... I'm going, but not because I'd be looking for 'my man' out there but because I love you all and I want to enjoy this night with you three. hahaha. Seriously guys, you all have some serious convincing power." We all laughed and planned the details for our clubbing later.

A few minutes more and our food started to arrive at our table. We ate silently just enjoying the taste of our dishes. I ordered Al pesto and bruschetta since I was craving for it the moment Chelsea asked us to come and eat here. I was enjoying my pasta and was about to have another forkful of it when my eyes just caught the most handsome guy I'd ever seen. With the way he stand and walk, one would not mistake to think he's very powerful. He was wearing a navy blue suit and pants with oxford white shirt open at its upper two buttons (What's with the upper buttons open fetish... shut up, he's as sexy as hell with his clothes on, what more if there's none... snap out of it Risse, have you forgotten he embarrassed you big time! you should be hating him now! not drool--oh he passed his hand through his hair...mmmm... god he really is sexy... was he--...okay his coming, be calm... I'm out).

Mr. ArrogantPrick (I changed his name) saw me and smirked. He strode his way towards our table and before I realized what his plan was, he was in front of me.

"Good Evening everyone." He acknowledged my friends and gave them a smile. Even though I can't see them, I know they were also struck by his beauty. "And a pleasant evening to you Ms. Ruane." He focused his attention to me and smirked. "I'm glad I can see that I still have an effect on you after our little misunderstanding." He held my chin and moved it upward to close my mouth which I didn't realize was open. He turned back his attention to my friends and said, "I'd like to join you guys but, I have a friend who is waiting for me, maybe next time I could join you?" he smiled and continued "Have a nice night everyone." he nodded to my friends and turned his heel to walk to his reserved table leaving us all stupefied.


See you next chapter!:)

Can you see Deborah Ann as Arielle? What do you think about the latest meeting of Risse and Lyndon? Tell me what you think.



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