Random Trek: This meme

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*Original meme by World of Nerd

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*Original meme by World of Nerd. I think. That's what the sticker says...¿¿¿¿*

Okay, so I think If Star Trek and DW were real (in this world) they would definitely collide at some point. Imagine. Imagine.. dooweedoo (imagine awesome DW flashback music and then the TARDIS)

And suddenly the TARDIS crashes into the U.S.S. Enterprise and rematerializes inside the Star Fleet control deck. All personnel are told to ready their phasers except for Spock and Scottie. With phasers pointed uncertaintly at the mysterious blue box, Captain Kirk shouts "Hello? Who are you. Please step out where we can—"

He is cut off when the doors to this mysterious blue box suddenly fly–inwards? Out steps a half-crazy looking man wearing a big, long frock coat from which you could only see small parts of his Edwardian suit.  Around his neck hung a long colorful scarf that nearly touched the ground. His nose was crooked and oblong, and his hair was a curly brown mess that totally surrounded his head. And topping it off was a big, black, and scruffy felt hat.

He cracked a large smile, then gingerly held his hand out to them. "Jelly Baby?"

The members of the Enterprise were agape and shot questioning and weird glances at each other.

Dooweedoo.....back to reality.
In case you didn't know, that was the fourth Doctor/Tom Baker. I'm sorry if I got something wrong. I've only seen a few short clips but I think he's the best old Who Doctor... I also think he would in fact be the Doctor to crash into the Enterprise. I can't really explain why. It just seems like something the fourth Doctor would probably do. Please comment if you're with me or comment your suggestion please. I would really like hearing other's reasoning on this!!!

How would you even write what the TARDIS (hehe. My phone autocorrects to TARDIS now !!) Sounds like. Most people just wright woosh-woosh or whirr-whirr, but wouldn't it be more like

Hr_rr_r  Hr_rr_r


W_r_rr  W_r_rr

  (Doubles and triples too, ex. W_r_r_r/other elongated versions)

Or what because IDK. Please comment on which TARDIS sound or suggest your own. Second, also (or) comment which Doctor you think works best with Star Trek. And finally, please vote if you don't mind :)

PostScript: (yes, that is what P.S. stands for) Okay. Everytime I type the word the, TARDIS comes up as one of the suggested words/shortcut/whatever you call it words!!!! Not even kidding. The last two. That one you just read, the first one, that one, all of them!!!!


Or is it


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