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Tribe of Crystal Stone

LEADER: Stone Teller( (Tom with thick, brown tabby fur, white mittens on his front left foot and blue eyes)

LEADERS MATE: Moon Heart(She cat with short, white fur and dark Amber eyes)

Blood Spring(Tom with short, white fur and bright, green eyes)
Wolf Howl(Fluffy gray tom with green eyes)
Rose Burr(She cat with long, curly, cream fur with white belly and hazel eyes)
Blue River(She cat with dark blue fur and bright blue eyes)

Golden Pike(Golden tabby tom with dark Amber eyes)
Wind Winter (Tom with long, bright, orange tabby fur and dark blue eyes)
Envy Secret(Tom with soft, dark brown tabby fur and bright Amber eyes)
Swift Spring(Tom with long, dark brown tabby fur and bright Amber eyes)
Night Sky(Shecat with short, black fur and amber/yellow eyes)
Jay Flight(Black tom with a white curl and his head and dark Hazel eyes)
Hazel Mouse(She cat with short, golden tabby fur and yellow/Amber eyes)
Wild Fang(Tom with short, black fur and dark blue eyes)

Mud Spark(Tom with long, brown fur and bright green eyes)
Cinder Bird(Silver tabby she cat with crystal blue eyes)
Nut Slip(Tom with short, light brown fur and a dark chocolate eyes)
Thin Birch(Black tom with small white patches and blue eyes)
Moss Secret(She Cat with short, silver fur and dark blue eyes)
Flash Spirit(She cat with thick, gray fur and bright blue eyes)
Autumn Fall(She cat with short, calico fur and dark brown eyes)
Frozen Cloud(Tom with fuzzy, white fur and gray eyes)
Deer Skip(She cat with short, light brown fur and white freckles and light brown eyes)
Tiny Runner(Extremely small tom with thick, white fur with a black spot over his left eye and light blue eyes)

Woolly Tallon (Calico She cat with fuzzy fur and gray eyes)

Pearl Wind(She cat with soft, ginger fur and dark, Amber eyes) {Expecting Envy Secrets kits}

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