Part 29

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hey guys i am sorry i haven't posted in a while, i went to South Carolina to help with the hurricane disaster with my church. i am back now and plan to upload for the missed days, i will tell you that moving trees is hard work and i plan to be sitting and writing for a long time. i hope to keep posting everyday now, COMMENT AND VOTE, it means a lot to authors to recieve feedback. thanks again for reading

- Eliza

the months that followed were better, Tristan was able to go with Lisa to the village while his father trained the boys, wanting them to be strong for when a real battle came to them.  Lisa had become pregnant again and all the boys helped around the home all excited to see if it was a brother or a sister. Eileen and Edward had sent notice saying that they were going to come and visit for a few days, the letter had come out of the blue which had gotten Lisa worried. they were meant to come that day and Lisa looked out the window every five minutes to see if they came. 

Tristan was about to tell her not to worry when she jumped up and raced out of the room. he followed behind her, she sprinted down the stairs and past the court yard to another flight of stairs leading to the entrance. the boys stopped watching their mother run by, Tristan ran past. his father gave him a worried look and Tristan waved saying everything was fine. 

"Boys, come let's get back to work." his father instructed 

Tristan saw a carriage pull up and out step Edward, Eileen, 6 year old Kathrine and 2 year old Amanda. Lisa ran and greeted them hugging Eileen and helping her inside. Tristan went up to greet the king and shook his hand before he was pulled into a tight embrace. 

"How are you my friend?" Edward asked.

"Busy as any man can be, please come inside."Tristan said. 

he looked up to see Nicolas, Andrew, Calum and Senior Andrew peering from around the corner. Edward laughed and followed his Wife upstairs, Kathrine skipped along her mother while Amanda slept in her mother's arms.  Lisa led them inside to the sitting room.

"Eileen what happened? i was so worried!"

"i know i am sorry, it is only that we were being followed and i couldn't come like planned. i didn't want to put your family in danger." Eileen replied sitting on the couch. 

"What happened?"

"We are powerful, which means we have powerful enemies." Edward said sitting next to his wife and taking sleeping Amanda from her arms. 

"Well i am glad you are here." Lisa said.

"We won't be able to stay as long as planned, only for about three days before we head out." Eileen said.

"you think they followed you even into Wales?"

"I know they did." 

Eileen told them about why they had to flee and about the men that were constantly trying to kill her. Edward chimed in a few times saying that he thought he knew who it was politically.  Tristan watched the children play. Andrew and Nicolas were trying to show off to Kathrine but she seemed more interested in Calum. he thought of how both were the same age, Kathrine showed off her summer-saults which her mother scolded her for. His father loved watching the children play and after a while Nicolas and Andrew noticed that she didn't care for them. 

"Perhaps you can leave Amanda and Kathrine here, they can go by different aliases and you just say they are with you. that way they will be better protected." Lisa added. 

"No, thank you for the offer but i wouldn't ever be able to part with my daughters. besides i know their ways of attack it is something that the convent taught me long ago, i believe we have a head start that way." Eileen said. 

"And i have soldiers watching the suspect, they say he acts really strange." Edward added. 

"I am sorry, Lisa. i know you wanted us to stay longer this time." she said. 

"No, don't be sorry. i understand completely, besides i have gotten so big that i can hardly walk." Lisa said with a laugh, rubbing her belly. 

Eileen grinned and nodded. Amanda stirred and started crying.

"We have better get to our rooms, Kathrine seems to be...sleeping on Calum." Eileen said softly 

Tristan looked up and saw that Calum was lying on a couch an arm protectively holding a sleeping Kathrine who was snuggled against him. Lisa smiled, Edward gently pulled Kathrine out of Calum's arms and took her away. Tristan picked up Calum who was getting big enough to not be carried and walked him to his room. His father picked up the two four year old twins and walked them to their room while Lisa said her good-nights. 

Eileen and Edward left early the third day, the weeks that followed were the most stressful of Tristan's life. it seemed that everything he did was wrong, the other boys seemed to be going through that too till the end of the second week when the baby came. it didn't seem to get any easier and the boys cried softly hearing their mother's agonizing screams. 

"Da, is ma going to be alright?" Andrew asked sniffling. 

"Of course she is! she made it through you three!" Andrew senior exclaimed nervously.. 

Nicolas clung to Tristan's leg, Calum was nervously sitting trying to be a good example to his younger brothers. after long hours of waiting the wet nurse walked out smiling.

"come my lord, greet your new child." she said happily. 

Tristan jumped to his feet and ran into the room. Lisa smiled down at the tiny baby in her arms, who wailed out, crying for the warmth that was just taken from him. she looked up, he could see the loose tears in her eyes and the sweat running down her face but she still looked beautiful to him. he ran to her side, putting an arm around her and sitting by her on the bed. 

both Andrews, Calum and Nicolas ran into the room to greet the newest member of the family. Andrew laughed excitedly as he looked onto his younger brother. 

"Ma, can i name him?!" Andrew said jumping up and down in glee. 

"What would you name him?" Lisa asked softly as the child quieted. 

"Andrew!" Andrew said happily. 

"No my boy, we already have too many Andrews." his grandfather said. 

"How about Brenin?" she asked softly.

Tristan nodded and grinned down at his son, the child had hazel eyes with flecks of gold in them like his mother, none of the other Marus boys had them. 

"When can i start training with him?" Andrew asked

"Me first!" Nicolas said happily.

"I am the oldest, so i am first!" Calum exclaimed. 

"In time my sons, now would you bring me something to eat, i am very hungry." she said with a smile as she caressed Nicolas's cheek.

He nodded and ran out of the room Calum and Andrew following behind. 

"Hello little Brenin." she whispered nuzzling him on the nose. 

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