Part 3

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Eileen trained harder, she threw a knife and it landed in the bulls eye. She screamed in anger and made her whip lash out. she had scared herself with the want of blood, she had told Cinaed and he had also been worried. no one else knew, and she wanted to keep it that way. her heart pounded and she hissed. 

she had felt so in control, the feeling of power, she thirsted for. she didn't see Cinaed walk in, until she turned and threw her knife. she stopped seeing who she had thrown them too, and gasped. he smiled as his hands dripped with blood from the knives he had caught. 

"Cinaed!" she snapped running to him and taking the bloody knives out of his hands. 

he smiled and showed her his cut hands.

"do you still feel powerful?" he asked.

she understood what he was trying to do and looked at his hands. the red liquid was coming from his hands, she tried to grasp the feeling that she had felt before but it was gone.

"No." she said.

"Good! Now, for once Father Connall has asked me to get you." Cinaed said.

she nodded and wrapped her whip around her whip clip. she followed him and watched his bloody hands, she didn't know why he didn't bind his hands but she didn't question his motives. he always seemed to know what he was doing.  they walked to the court yard to find Father Connall looking at the great brown doors. 

"papa." she said stating their presence. 

he turned around and instantly his eyes fell on Cinaed's bloody hands. he walked to them, and Cinaed tried to hide his wounds. Father Connall took his wrist and forced Cinaed to show him his palms. he did, and Father Connall gave him a quizzical look.

"training accident." he said.

father Connall nodded and let Cinaed's hands drop. he motioned for them to follow and led them to a tower. Amanda was waiting for them, Eileen smiled to Amanda, but Amanda was grim.

"You two have attracted the presence of the King, he has asked that you two go and serve him in the castle." Amanda said looking up.

"You do not have to agree, but if you do, you will follow the King's rules unless i write and say differently." Father Connall added. 

"will it just be us two?" Cinaed asked.

"Yes, there are other's there who bare a mark, that you will also receive in the ceremony tonight." Amanda said. 

Eileen could feel herself getting nervous, she didn't want to turn into the monster that wouldn't second guess a murder. she could feel Cinaed's hand tighten around hers. she looked to him and he gave her a smile of comfort before turning to Amanda and Father Connall. 

"i will go, it is about time i put my skills to use, and not for slacking off." Cinaed said. 

Eileen started at Cinaed in shock. in moments the brother she had grown up with changed from a boy to a man. Father Connall smiled, seeing the change that was happening. she didn't want him to go, she wished the king had never come and teared her family apart. Amanda looked to her and sensed her distress.

"Perhaps you should think of the offer. you have till after the ceremony." Amanda said. 

Father Connall nodded in agreement, Cinaed walked out and Eileen ran after him. he was quick down the stairs, he knew that she was going to call him out on his choice.

"Cinaed, stop! What happened in there!" she snapped. 

Cinaed sighed and turned to face her, giving her a sad smile.

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