Part 28

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Months had passed since the marriage of Tristan and Lisa, already they were expecting and Laird Marus was waiting anxiously. Lisa's brother Jason didn't like Tristan and his father but dealt with it with the slight touch of embarrassment. he halls anxiously outside of Eileen's room. she had gone into labor and seemed to be screaming for hours. he whipped nervous tears from his eyes, finally the screaming stopped and a child's cry broke from the room, Edward jumped to his feet and the door opened to him. 

he ran to see Eileen cradling the small little girl. she had Eileen's black hair but after she looked just like him. Eileen laughed and he could see the sweat of her forehead. he ran to her and kissed the side of her head, putting his arm around her. he watched the little child cry out for food. Edward grinned touching the child's little hand, her fingers curled around his finger. 

"What shall we call her?" Eileen whispered

he thought of it for a minute.

"Kathrine, for my mother?" he asked.

"Kathrine suits her perfectly." Eileen said grinning. 

so the child was named Kathrine, the people celebrated and Angus was proud to have a grandchild, saying that he would train her like a soldier, more than a princess. Eileen had laughed at this and agreed saying that her daughter needed to know how to defend herself. Lisa and Tristan came to visit, wanting to see baby Kathrine. their travels only lasted a few days for they were needed back at home. 

raising Kathrine was hard work, she demanded everything but was as sweet as can be. days turned to months that turned to years and soon Tristan and Lisa had a small young lad the same age as Kathrine and was named after Lisa's father. many times Edward and Eileen would travel to Wales for short periods of time just to drop in and say hello. many times young Kathrine would tease Calum for being 'weak', truth of it was that Calum was always saving Kathrine from everything. once Kathrine turned 4 her baby sister was born they named her Amanda and even Sister Amanda came to see them. 

Father Connall had disappeared into the air, Calum received two new brothers, twins that Lisa and Tristan named Andrew and Nicholas. King Angus had passed away due to a disease and soon Edward and Eileen took over the throne keeping everyone in check. 

the rebel forces had dispersed and everything was peaceful for as long as they reigned, Laird Andrew stepped down wanting to enjoy time with his grandsons, and Tristan took up the role. 

Sister Amanda Bell walked down the halls of the castle making her way to  the gate where the hooded person stood, waiting for her. as she came closer to him he saw Father Connall's old face.

"Henry, must you really go?" she asked. 

"Yes, i am afraid so. how are they?" he asked.

"Cinaed is married and not happy while Eileen is the Queen and verra happy." she said. 

"Good, well then i will be off. thank you Amanda, are you sure you won't come?"

"no, my days are coming to an end, i feel it. i want to be by Eileen when that happens besides she needs help her little girls are a lot to handle." she said with a laugh.

"Well then Amanda, i will see you in the courts of Grale." he said before turning his horse and leaving her staring at the man she loved. 

she waved goodbye whipping a tear and walked back inside. the castle was barely waking, the cries of baby Amanda demanding food echoed form the hall. Eileen sleepily appeared and walked to the child's room, the crying stopped and Amanda smiled seeing that everyone was going back to normal. 

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