Part 27

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What Lisa's gown looks like

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What Lisa's gown looks like

Eileen helped Lisa into the simple Prussian blue gown, Eileen and Edward had arrived just in time to go shopping with Lisa for everything she would need. Stephan was with Tristan and Edward while the girls went into the village, most of the people were excited about the wedding since everyone had been invited. Lisa gasped as Eileen tied the gown. 

"Eileen, i can hardly breathe!" she gasped out. 

"Oh sorry, just a little tight then?" she said letting the dress loosen up. 

Eileen stepped back and grinned, the dress had been a hassle but it was finally done. her hair was still a little damp and already the curls were forming under the dainty band around her head. Lisa was beaming and jumped off the stand.

"we better go." Eileen said with a grin. 

Lisa nodded and followed Eileen out of the room. 

"Miss, a letter for you. the messenger said it was urgent you receive it." the girl said. 

Lisa took it and tore it open seeing that it was from Jason. her brother wrote her furiously, telling her that she had lied to him and that he picked out a husband for him. Lisa dropped the letter, her life crashing down on her.

"What is wrong?" Eileen asked.

"He has sent for me, he is here." she said, her voice quivering. 

"What! hurry then to the chapel!" Eileen said pushing her out of the room. 

Lisa ran out the door and with Eileen, running past any carriages they were. village people stared at them curiously, she ran faster and faster tears running down her cheeks. Eileen pushed her ahead before she stopped gasping in pain.

"Eileen what is wrong?!" 

"The baby is not used to this, go! i am going to take a rest." she said. 

Lisa could see the tears forming in her friends eyes and nodded. she turned and ran off just as a carriage rode in front of her blocking her way. she screamed as two men in masks grabbed her. she was so close to the church, she screamed for Tristan and he burst out the door. he took off to her but he was too late, she screamed louder and struggled against her captures. 

she watched in horror as her mother stepped off the carriage, she had changed so much. she was being pulled to her mother and she screamed for help. the villagers came out and started to fight them off. her mother was fast, and grabbed her arm pulling her to the carriage. Tristan jumped out pushing  her mother to the floor. Lisa went tumbling and rolled into Stephan's arms. he helped her up, Tristan punched her mother in the face before standing and whipping his dirty face with his sleeve. 

Edward ran past them to Eileen who was gagging with pain. Tristan sprinted to Lisa and hugged her. she was trembling, so much fear in so little time. she didn't even know she was crying till she felt Tristan whipping the tears away. 

"Tristan!" his father yelled. 

Lisa looked past his shoulder to see her mother standing, a knife visible in her hands. with all the strength she had she pushed them to the floor. her mother ran past screaming and smashed her face into the wall. she pulled Tristan to his feet and pulled him behind her.

"Mother stop!" she screamed.

"Why should i, you have been a disgrace to me ever since you were born! it is all your fault, now i am just getting my revenge. step aside." she growled.


"Fine by me, i never needed you anyway." her mother said with a cruel smile. 

Lisa stood straighter and stepped up. her mother's smile fell for only a moment before she started to scream. before she could do anything she was speared by a pitchfork. a few of the village farmers that she had helped moved the spikes deeper.

her mother gagged and spit blood to the floor before she collapsed. Lisa stared in horror at her mother's dead corpse. Tristan hugged her closer and she trembled against him. 

"We can change the date." he whispered.

"No, i am not going back to Scotland, i am not going home." she said 

he nodded and led her into the chapel, everyone was shocked and most of the people had fled. 

" I vow you the first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine,
from this day it shall only your name I cry out in the night
and into your eyes that I smile each morning;
I shall be a shield for you back as you are for mine,
no shall a grievous word be spoken about us,
for our marriage is sacred between us and no stranger shall hear my grievance.
Above and beyond this, I will cherish and honor you through this life
and into the next." Tristan said 

"I vow you the first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine, 

from this day it shall only your name I cry out in the night
and into your eyes that I smile each morning;
I shall be a shield for you back as you are for mine,
no shall a grievous word be spoken about us,
for our marriage is sacred between us and no stranger shall hear my grievance.
Above and beyond this, I will cherish and honor you through this life
and into the next." she repeated. 

everyone clapped as Tristan pulled her close and kissed her. 

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