Part 11

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days passed and Eileen waited for Father Connall to reply. there hadn't been any letters for her or Cinaed and she started to worry. Edward stood next to her, as she looked out the window. Calum and Cinaed had come to an understanding as Cinaed would tell Calum all that he knew about his daughter. Eileen and Edward had hardly trained and the king had locked himself away, they guessed it was because he feared the rebels. their acts had gone silent since the brutal murder of Lady Neil who was apparently very dear to them. 

"There is something strange, something wrong here." Edward mumbled. 

Eileen nodded and watched the doors of the Castle slowly open and a person ride in. he looked up and Eileen locked eyes with Father Connall. she waved and ran down to meet him as he dismounted. Edward followed her and as she walked up to Father Connall.

"Father-" she started.

"Where is he? i received your letters, i am sorry i couldn't reply we were being watched." he said.

she nodded and told him all about what had happened as they rushed to Lisa's room. Stephan watched them from the bench he sat, Eileen pittyied him. he was too young to feel this death, he was only a year older than her. She knocked at the door, and walked in first. Cinaed was asleep in his chair, his head resting on Lisa's bed. she still looked dead, but she took a deep breath which proved her wrong. Eileen motioned for Father Connall and Edward to follow. 

"Cinaed, it is Father Connall." she whispered to him.

his head shot up and he sleepily looked around the room before his eyes fell on Father Connall. he stood and Eileen saw he was clutching Lisa's hand. Father Connall, looked to their clutched hands and gave him an arched brow and a smile. Cinaed looked to his hand and quickly set it down and Blushed. 

"Well it seems as if someone has been taking care of you." Father Connall said with a smile making Cinaed blush even more. 

"i like the new look, it suits you better." Father Connall added. 

"Thank you Father Connall, what do i owe this meeting?" Cinaed asked. 

"I heard of all that happened and came as quick as possible to see how you all were doing but it seems you both have everything under control." he said with a smile. 

"I will excuse myself." Edward said with a small bow. 

he left, closing the door behind him.

"She can't hear us, can she?" Father Connall asked.

"She wouldn't say anything if she did." Cinaed said.

"Good, well then. as you might have heard we have been watched. the Rebels are making an advance of war. Angus knows this, just because Lady Neil is dead, it does not mean that the rebels are silent forever. they are just plotting silently, i need you both to escort the king and his family where ever they go. it may be that we are engulfed into a war very soon." father said. 

"So what do you want us to do?" Eileen asked.

"Children, from now on you are no longer mine. you serve fully the king, the convent is going through problems and we need to move. you will not be hearing from us for a very long time, i hope that we will see each other soon. I will send people to watch you and keep an eye on the city. " Father Connall said.

"But Father-"

"i am sorry Eileen, i know you had hopes to come home. but it must be this way. i hope you both a happy lives, and i give you my blessing for your lives and for whoever you choose to marry now, may Glave forever watch over you both." he said kissing them both on the foreheads. 

with that he left the room. Eileen stared at the door, wanting Father Connall to come back and tell her that it was just a lie. but he never came back, Cinaed stared with her, not wanting it to be true either. 

Eileen rushed out of the room and to the window, seeing Father Connall getting on his horse and riding out of the castle. she wanted to cry, but she didn't let herself.

"He told me, welcome to the family." the king said behind her. 

days passed and still Father Connall did not return. Lisa was awake now, but she only stayed that way for a few minutes before she went back to sleep. Edward followed around her and soon enough Stephan started to speak with them more and more. the guests who had stayed for the final nights of the week awaited the ball and Eileen would secretly meet with some other ladies to get dancing lessons. Lisa was usually there as the instructor, and her father would help her. 

Eileen gazed out a window, watching the marketplace come to life. Edward walked to her and stopped. she looked at him and he smiled.

"Gazing at civilization?" he asked sitting down. 

"yes, you know, the baker seems to like that seamstress." Eileen pointed out. 

Edward looked out the window and nodded seeing the baker and seamstress. Eileen stood and walked off to the music room, Edward at her heels. she laughed as she played wrong notes on the piano. 

"Edward, can you play?" she asked

"yes, but i am not very good, scoot over." he said with a grin. 

she laughed and slid over some allowing him room, he sat next to her and began to play a soft melody. when she finished she smiled.

"I knew you could play, who taught you?" 

"My mother, when she was here, all she would do was play the piano. now days it just sits and gathers dust." Edward said with a sad smile.

"oh, i am sorry. i have never known my mother." she stated. 

Edward looked at her, she nodded and stroked the keys. she looked into Edward's eyes and smiled. with out seeing it happen she was caught off guard as he kissed her. she was shocked at first but soon after welcomed the kiss, kissing him back. she cupped his cheeks drawing him closer to her. he smiled against their kisses and she pulled away blushing.

"Edward!" she exclaimed. 

"i am sorry i just!" he stammered.

"Shut up!" she snapped before grabbing his face and pulling him in for another kiss. 

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