Part 6

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Eileen heard of the death of duke Gibbson's daughter, and Eileen could feel herself sickening again. the King seemed pleased to see that she had completed the task that he had asked of her. Cinaed gave her comforting looks that didn't seem to be working. Edward kept looking at her in worry, she didn't know why he was worrying. perhaps he already knew, and was just acting. the girl's mother wailed as she held the dead child close, Eileen walked away not being able to bare the sight of the child. 

she stayed to herself that day, not speaking to anyone. she heard from two gossiping ladies that the entire Gibson family was packing and leaving to go back to their home for the services to come. Eileen closed her book and walked out of the room, Edward was walking down the hall and when he saw her he called her out. 

"Lady Eileen!" he yelled running to her. 

she turned and fled down the hall. he caught up with her and pulled her to him. 

"Where have you been? i have been looking for you!" he exclaimed.

"Around, please my lord, let me go. i have places to be." she said trying to pull her hand away.

"I want to show you something!" he said. 

she stopped struggling, curiosity overwhelming her. she nodded and followed him, he smiled and pulled her back into the library. the other people had disappeared and Edward walked to the giant fireplace and pressed some kind of button. the fireplace drew back and left some dusty stairs. 

Edward smiled before taking her hand and leading her down. rats scurried past their feet as they descended into a large open room. the wooden floors had small knife holes and there were tables of dummies and wheels to make them move. Eileen looked at him with curiosity and he smiled running to the wheel and slowly starting to spin it. the dummies started to move and slowly move around the wheel. she heard a click before a knife went flying at her. 

she ducked and the blade stuck into the wall. she looked to Edward, excitement clear in her eyes. he smiled, and walked to her.

"I stumbled on it when i was younger, i didn't know how to use it at the time but after a while i figured it out. you are welcome to this, though perhaps not now since you are not ready." he said.

"Oh, Dear Edward,i am always ready." she said with a sweet smile. 

he grinned and drew his sword. Eileen smiled and stepped back, ripping her gown. Edward's eyes widened and he began to blush. she was already in her training tunic, and she pulled off the gloves. 

"Come My lord, you must always be ready. show me your stance." she said

Edward nodded, he pointed his sword to her and waited for her to move. she pulled off her whip and let the tip fall. he lunged at her and she stepped away having him run right by. she giggled and watched him fall, he got up and sent her a glare. 

he tried again and again but he couldn't out match her sidesteps. after hours of making the prince snap at her and yell at her for 'cheating' they finally left. Eileen picked the ripped cloth pieces of cloth and tied it around her waist. 

they slipped out and she crept to her room where she changed quickly. she sprinted to the great hall, looking for Cinaed. she was still curious of the vile he had to drink, but so far he hadn't told her anything. she walked into the dinning hall, there was great commotion of everyone speaking of the murder. Eileen ran over to her usual spot and sat. next to her was Cinaed's empty seat, the servants served the food and set plates on the table, she waited for Cinaed but he never came. 

she looked up to the king, a murderous glare in her eyes. He smiled sweetly to her and took a bite of the roast. she wanted to throw something at him, she glared at her plate. Edward kicked her foot and she looked up. 

At Mercy's WillOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora