He quickly turns around and runs back up the stairs.

"No! Please come back." You yell to his back as he disappears.

You sit there waiting until someone comes back to you. You can hear talking overhead. It sounds like people are shouting and things being thrown to the floor.

You yell out trying to get attention from the occupants above. "Can somebody come get me? I really need to use the bathroom!"

Suddenly the voices stop. You wait patiently as they come down the stairs.

"Rick y-y-you know if my parents found out they would kick you out of the house."

"Morty! I said not to use my first name yo-urp-u dickbag. Now she knows who I am."

You can do nothing but just sit there as they continue their argument. Completely forgetting that you are there.

"If you don't mind me asking but could I please be taken to the bathroom?"

They stop talking and turn to you.

"It's a ploy M-Morty. She just wants to escape." The man so called Rick walks to a shelf in the room and starts to look for something.

"I-i-I'm sure she can't be that bad Rick. L-let's just let her go."

Rick comes back with a vial and syringe. He opens the lid, places the needle in the liquid and draws back. He slowly walks up to you and smiles at you creepily.

"This won't hurt a bit."

He grabs on to your arm and injects the serum.

"W-what did you do to her Rick!?"

"Oh no. I'm going to die." Tears start to well up in your eyes. You look over to Rick and stare into his eyes.

He looks back down at you with no emotion. "Don't look at me like th-urp-at. I'm not some type of murderer. You'll be fine. I-I've just helped you."

Not knowing what he is talking about, you try to stifle the sobs coming out of your mouth. It was hard to put trust into this man that you knew nothing about. You look over to the young boy named Morty as he makes noises of concern. You smile at him and he nods his head back.

"W-w-whatever Rick has done I'm sure it's safe. I trust him."

You smile out of appreciation as your fears subside. Remembering that you had to use the bathroom you realise the need isn't there anymore. You look over to Rick and put two and two together.

"Don't tell me that's what that stuff was for."

"Yeah. It stopped you from pissing your pants. You're welcome."

You sigh and looks at your wrists.

"Could you please let me out of these things? I honestly am not here to hurt you."

Rick doesn't say anything. He just turns around and walks back out the hatch opening.

"Come on Morty. I'm do-urp-ne here."

Morty looks at you with remorse before slowly following after Rick.


"Y-y-you can't just leave her down there Rick. She hasn't done anything wrong."

"Just leave it Morty."

Rick ignores Mortys pestering and locks himself in his room.

Later that evening at dinnertime, Rick washes his hands and heads down to the table for dinner. He sits in his usual chair eagerly waiting. One by one the family start siting down for dinner. Everyone was seated except for Beth. Morty looks over at Rick with a guilty expression, trying not to look him in the eyes. Rick dismisses it, thinking nothing of it.

Beth starts bringing in plates of food and places them in front of Rick, Summer and herself. Rick was too engrossed in his food to notice the second person walk through the door and place food in front of Jerry, Morty and herself.

He starts to eat and make noises of satisfaction. He turns his head to the left and tells his daughter how good the food is.

"Thank you Dad. I did have help though." Beth looks beside her and smiles at someone.

Rick looks in front of him and drops his fork. "What the fuck is she doing here?"

"Dad! You can't talk to our guest like that. She is Mortys friend from school. She will be staying here for a while. She doesn't have anyone else at the moment."

Rick glances at Morty and now understands why he was trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"Don't you think she looks a little old for school, Beth?"

Everyone looks at you. You get nervous under their gazes. Morty stole some of Summers old clothes, so you are now out of the hospital gown. You excuse yourself and get up to go to the kitchen.

"Does anyone else want anything while I'm up?"

Everyone denies your offer. Rick excuses himself and gets up as well, heading after you.

He walks into the kitchen and finds you drinking a glass of water. He marches over towards you and pins you to the cabinet.

"I-I don't trust you. You may have everyone else fooled but not me."

"I couldn't give a shit what you think of me. Seriously Rick. Get your head out of your ass. The world doesn't revolve around you. I can't remember who the fuck I am, so please just give me a break!"

You shove past Rick, excuse yourself from dinner and go upstairs to the room you are staying in.

Rick stares bewildered at where you just were. He can't believe someone talked to him like that. He takes a swig from the flask he keeps in his lab coat and burps out loud. He ends up finishing what is in the flask before heading back to the dining room. Everyone looks at Rick as he walks back to the table.


"Nothing." Everyone says at the same time.

The rest of dinner was eaten in silence.

When Rick is finished eating he heads up to his room without saying anything to anyone. He closes his door and flops down on his bed. He hits the bed hard causing him to groan out in pain. He rolls over towards the wall, resting his forehead against the cold wall. Silence soon falls in his room until he hears a faint sobbing. He places his ear against the wall and it becomes louder.

He completely forgot that the spare bedroom was located next to his.


A/N: This is my first ever Rick/reader fic. I hope you enjoy it :)

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